Tuesday 15 August 2017

Treacle Bran Scone Ring

Treacle Bran Scone Ring

Makes 8 servings

Points per serving 2½

6 oz SR flour
4 level tbsp polyunsaturated margarine
7 tbsp wheat bran
1 level tsp baking soda
1 level tsp cream of tartar
1 tsp splenda
½ tsp salt
2 level tbsp black treacle
2 tbsp warm water
1 tbsp wheat bran

Sift flour into a bowl.  Rub in margarine until mixtrue resembles fine breadcrumbs.  Add next 5 ingredients and mix together.  add treacle to warm water and stir to dissolve.  Pour onto dry ingredients and mix to a soft dough, adding more water if necessary.

Shape dough into a flat round shape about 1" thick, mark into 8 equal portions, cutting the dough about halfway through.  Brush top lightly with water and sprinkle with bran.  Transfer to a baking sheet and cook at 450ºF/230ºC/Gas 8 for 12-15 mins until well risen and browned.

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