Tuesday 15 August 2017

Bara Brith (Welsh Fruit Bread)

Bara Brith (Welsh Fruit Bread)

From the kitchen of JOANOFARC67

Servings | 8
Estimated POINTS® value per serving | 2

60g raisins
60g currants
30g mixed peel
100g tea infusion (1 tea bag/100g water)
30g Fruisana fruit sugar
2g mixed spice
150g white self raising flour
1 egg, whole

Prepare the tea infusion, add fruit and soak for a minimum of 1 hour or preferably overnight.
1. Preheat the oven to 170°C, gas mark 3, 325°F. Place all ingredients including the tea infused fruit and the liquid, into a bowl. Mix until all the ingredients are fully combined together.

2. Place approximately the mixture into a greased and lined 1lb loaf tin, place into oven and bake for approximately 80 minutes.

3. After baking and whilst still hot, brush the surface of the Bara Brith with milk.

4. Remove from the baking tin and cool on a wire rack. Serve cut into 8 slices.

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