Tuesday 15 August 2017

Spice Scones

Spice Scones

A WW recipe

Makes 8
Points per recipe 17½
Points per scone 2
Freezing recommended

225g self raising flour
1 tsp gorund mixed spice
1 tsp baking powder
25g butter
25g sugar
150ml skimmed milk

Preheat oven to Gas 8/230ºC/450ºF and place baking sheet into it.
Sieve the flour, spice and baking powder into a mixing bowl.
Rub in the butter and then stir in the sugar.  Stir in the milk and mix to a soft dough.
Turn out onto a floured work surface and shape into a thick round, there is no need to use a rolling pin.
Take the baking sheet out of the oven and put the circle of dough onto it carefully.  Cut into 8 wedges.
Put into the top of the oven and bake for 10 mins, until brown and well risen.
Cool on a rack and eat while fresh.

As above but without spice and sugar add
25g grated half fat cheese (adds 1½ points to total)
1 tsp dried mixed herbs
1 tsp curry powder
As above

25g sultanas or chopped dates (adds 1 pt to total)

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