Tuesday 15 August 2017

Autumn Fruit Crumble Cake

Autumn Fruit Crumble Cake

A WW Recipe

3½ points per serving (Original Points)
Servings:  12
This delicious bake can be served as a cake or a pudding. 

125 g muscavado sugar

225 g muesli, (unsweetened)

125 g polyunsaturated margarine, melted

1 tablespoon light brown sugar, (preferably demerara)

2 medium apple(s), peeled, cored and sliced (preferably Cox's)

25 g sultana(s)

1 teaspoon spice, mixed

125 g plum(s), halved and pitted

Preheat oven to 180°C / 350°F / Gas Mark 4. Grease and line an 18cm (7 inch) loose-based cake tin.
Mix together the muscovado sugar, muesli and spice.
Stir together the melted margarine into the muesli mixture, then tip about two thirds of this into the prepared cake tin. Press down lightly and arrange half the apples, plums and sultanans on top. Sprinkle with the remaining crumble mixture, then the remaining fruit. Press down lightly. Sprinkle with demerara sugar.
Bake for 35-40 minutes until firm and golden brown. Stand the tin on a wire rack and cool for 15-20 minutes, then remove from the tin. Carefully remove the lining paper.
Serve the cake warm or cold. 

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