Tuesday 15 August 2017

Soft Grain Yogurt Bread

Soft Grain Yogurt Bread

1½ pts per serving  both programmes

Makes 8 flat breads

Using a soft grain flour adds texture, as the flour contains flattened grains.  If you can't get fresh yeast use dried, or for a yeast free bread use 2 tsp baking powder per 225g flour.

225g soft grain flour (11 pts)
1 tsp salt
15g fresh yeast
2 tbsp natural yogurt (1 pt)
1 tbsp fresh mint, chopped

Place flour & salt into a large bowl.  Dissolve the yeast in a small amount of tepid water, sufficient to mix the yeast to a paste.

Make a well in the centre of the flour and add the yeast paste, yogurt and mint.  Draw themixture together to make a soft dough.  Place on a floured board and knead until smooth.  Cover with a damp cloth and prove for 20 mins.

Knead again and divide into 8 equal balls.
Using a rolling pin, roll each ball out as thin as possible on a floured surface.

Preheat a non-stick frying pan.  Add the bread, one at a time and cook until brown on each side.  Serve warm.

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