Tuesday 15 August 2017

Chocolate and Raspberry Polenta Cake

Chocolate and Raspberry Polenta Cake

Makes 10 slices
3pts per slice

100g caster sugar 5.5pts
75g light muscovado sugar 4pts
2 large eggs 4pts
100g instant polenta 5.5pts
100g plain flour 5pts
15g cocoa 1.5pts
1 ½ level tsp baking powder 0pts
½ level tsp salt 0pts
250ml low fat natural yogurt 3pts
15g dark chocolate, grated 2pts
3 large egg whites 0pts
125g raspberries 0.5pts

Grease and line a 20cm/8-in spring form tin. Preheat the oven to 180/350F/gas 4.

Reserve 1 tbsp caster sugar for the top. Beat the rest of the sugars with the whole eggs until pale and thick in a large mixing bowl, which will take 3-4 mins with an electric whisk. Sift the polenta, flour, cocoa, baking powder and salt over the egg mixture, then fold in with a metal spoon. Follow this with the yogurt and grated chocolate, stirring until the mixture is smooth. Clean the beaters thoroughly, then in a separate bowl, beat the egg whites to the soft peak stage. Stir a spoonful of beaten whites into the cake batter to loosen the mixture, then carefully fold in the remainder. Pour into the cake tin and scatter the raspberries over the top. Sprinkle with the reserved caster sugar, then bake the cake on the centre shelf for 30-35 mins – a skewer should come out clean. Let the cake cool in its tin for 10 mins, then carefully remove it from the tin and peel off the lining paper. Cool on a wire rack ( or it’s delicious served slightly warm as a pudding).

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