Tuesday 15 August 2017

Rocky road bars

Rocky road bars

Makes 16 bars, 62 points for whole recipe (4 points each)
Prep time: 15 mins

225g/8 oz low fat margerine, unsalted
100g plain chocolate,
broken into pieces
2 tbsp Lyle’s
Golden Syrup
2 tbsp cocoa powder
2 tbsp caster sugar
100g/4oz Maltesers®
100g/4oz mixed milk
and white chocolate chips
100g /4 oz mini marshmallows
225g/8 oz ginger biscuits
Icing sugar to dust

Line a 20 cm/8in square cake tin with baking parchment. In a small pan heat the butter, milk chocolate, Lyle’s Golden Syrup and cocoa powder.
Once melted together leave to cool for 10 minutes.

In a large bowl place the Maltesers®, plain and white chocolate, mini marshmallows and ginger biscuits and bind together with the melted chocolate sauce. Pour into the lined tray and leave to set in the fridge for a minimum of 2 hours. Remove from cake tin and slice into 16 snack-sized bars. Dust with
icing sugar to serve.

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