Tuesday 15 August 2017

Snowy Topped Mince Pies

Snowy Topped Mince Pies

Makes 24

Points per serving: 2

360g sweet shortcrust pastry
15g plain flour
360g mincemeat (recipe follows)
3 large egg whites
30g caster sugar

Preheat oven to 200ºC/400ºF/Gas 6.  Roll out the pastry thinly on a lightly floured surface.  Use to line 24 patty tins.  Prick the bases and fill with about 1 heaped tsp mincemeat.  Bake for about 8 mins.

Whisk the egg whites in a grease free bowl until they hold their shape.  Whisk in the sugar until stiff and glossy and then pipe or spoon onto the pies. Bake for 2-3 mins until browned.  Serve warm.

Tip: For best results, finish pies off with the meringue about 10 mins before serving.

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