Tuesday 15 August 2017

Swiss Roll

Swiss Roll

Serves 8

Points per serving: 2

1 large egg
3 egg whites
110 g caster sugar
110 g plain flour, sifted
9 heaped teaspoon low-calorie jam

Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 6/200C/fan oven 190C. Line a 30cmx23cm/12x9in swiss roll tin with non-stick baking parchment.

Place the egg, 1 egg white and sugar in a bowl and whisk until the mixture is pale and creamy and leaves a trail when the whisk is lifted out.
In a separate bowl whisk the two remaining egg whites until they hold soft peaks.

Add the egg whites to the egg and sugar mixture, sift the flour over and very carefully fold in until well combined.

Spoon the mixture into the prepared tin, level the surface and bake for 10-12 mins until golden.

Turn out onto a piece of non-stick baking parchment on top of a dampened tea towel on a wire rack. Immediately remove the parchment on the cake, trim the edges and roll up so that the fresh parchment is inside the roll. Leave to cool.

Unroll the cake and spread with the jam. Reroll, cut into 8 and serve. Best eaten the same day or store in an airtight container for 1-2 days.

Warm the jam in the microwave for 10 seconds or in a small pan over a low heat so that it spreads more easily over the cake.


14 SYNS plus filling

4 Eggs
3 Tblsp Splenda
80g Plain Flour, sifted
1 Tblsp Boiling Water
Sweetener to roll

6 Tblsp Jam - 9 syns


Syn Free Lemon Curd 
4 Eggs
2 Lemons ( juice and rind)
6 Tbsp Splenda 
4oz Greek 0% Fat Free Yogurt

Preheat oven to 170 fan assisted/ 200 C / 400 F

Line a Swiss roll tin 25cm x 36cm by spraying with frylight and then lining with Baking Paper. Making sure there is a little paper poking out at the sides.

Place eggs and sweetener in a mixing bowl and whisk for 10 mins. Mixture will quadruple in size and be light and creamy in texture.

With a metal spoon, fold flour in carefully. Making sure it is well combined. Then fold in boiling water.

Pour into baking tray and level with a palette knife.

Bake for 10-12 minutes 

Meanwhile if using lemon curd , make this:-

Grate lemon zest off into a small bowl.
In another bowl suitable to use as a Bain Marie , whisk the eggs with the juice of the 2 lemons. Add the sweetener and zest (grated rind)

Place over a pan of almost simmering water making sure the bottom does not touch the water and whisk continuously til thickened.

Remove from heat and whisk in Greek Yogurt.

Once sponge has cooked remove from oven.

Cut a large piece of baking paper and sprinkle with sweetener.
Carefully take sponge out (whilst still warm) and whilst holding the baking paper invert onto sweetener coated baking paper. 
Remove baking paper that sponge is attached to.

Using a palette knife, spread the warm lemon curd on top or the jam ( you may need to warm this slightly) not too thick.

Then whilst still warm roll the shorter end of the swiss roll . 

Enjoy ( I cut mine into 7 largish pieces) 

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