Tuesday 15 August 2017

No Count Choc Snack Cake.

No Count Choc Snack Cake.

Be aware, the title of this is deceiving. Don't snack willy nilly on this

1 Tbsp instant coffee
1 Tbsp hot water
1 Cup Oats
3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa. (8 pts for 3tbsp
2 Medium overripe bananas
1 cup splenda
3 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract.

In large bowl put coffee and hot water. Stir until dissolved.
Measure oats into pint measuring jug and stir in cocoa until thoroughly mixed. set aside.
Break up bananas and add to coffee in bowl,mash with fork until pulpy. Crack in eggs one at a time and stir in well with fork. Stir in oats mixture.
Spray 8" nonstick baking pan with frylite. Scrape cake batter into pan.
Bake in preheated oven 350deg for 20min.
Let cool.

If on full choice 3 eggs 5½ pts
1 cup oats (100g)  6 pts.
2 bananas 3pts
3 tbsp cocoa 8pts
Total 22½ pts
12 slices 2 pts per slice

No count 8 pts to count for the whole thing.
BTW   This cake isn't free on no count.  Either at meal times or as a snack.

There is 8 pts in the whole recipe.

If you cut it into 8 slices it would be 1 pt per slice at mealtimes, but at any other time..ie as a "snack" it would be 2 pts per slice (same as full choice)

Correction to this

ON No Count, the cocoa works out at 2 pts not 8 pts.  So the whole cake is 2 pts if on no count.

On full choice
1 cup oats (100g) 6 pts
3 tbsp cocoa (25g) 2 pts
2 bananas 3 pts
3 large eggs 5½ pts

Therefore total for full choice 16½ pts.

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