Tuesday 15 August 2017

Cornmeal Muffins

Cornmeal Muffins

1 ½ cups / 8 ounces Coarse Cornmeal/Polenta meal
1 large Egg beaten
1 teaspoon bicarbonate of soda
2 ½ pots of Muller light Toffee Yoghurt
7 – 10 tablespoons canderel/granulated sweetener
1 –2 tsp vanilla extract

Mix everything together well by beating with a balloon whisk for about 5 minutes. You will see the bicarb starting to react as tiny air holes appear. Spoon batter into a well oiled muffin pan (I used fry light and a 12 deep cup muffin tin, filling 3/4 full. Bake at Gas 5/400 for 25 minutes or until risen. Don’t bake them in paper cases as they stick like crazy.

You could mix in any fruit with these.
Line a 6 x 9 x 1 inch Swiss roll tin with non stick baking parchment.
Pour in the mixture and cook for about 40 minutes at the same oven temp as above until the middle is well and truly set. Turn out onto a cutting board and leave to cool. Cut in half widthways.
Bake in an 8 inch loose bottom cake tin and serve as a cake.
Use the 4 tin Yorkshire pudding tins. They make great little mock 'Victoria sponges'.
Mix one pot of Quark cheese with 1 tsp vanilla essence and 1 tbs Canderel. Beat well. Spread over one half of the cooled cake. Spread the other half with a tablespoon of warmed NC jam and sandwich together. Heaven!

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