Tuesday 15 August 2017

Mocha Muffins

Mocha Muffins

POINTS 1 each
Makes 20

100 g self raising flour, (if using plain flour then add 1 teaspoon baking powder)
15 g cocoa powder
25 g dried semolina, or fine polenta
40 g light brown sugar, soft, or caster sugar
1 medium egg(s)
40 ml sunflower oil
70 ml skimmed milk
1 teaspoon coffee, instant powder, dissolved in 1 tablespoon hot water

Preheat the oven to 190°C, Gas 5. Prepare 2 x 12 hole mini muffin trays with 20 small paper cases. (If you only have 1 tray then bake in 2 batches).
Sift together into a large bowl the flour (and baking powder if using) and cocoa. Mix in the semolina and sugar.
Beat together the egg, oil, milk and coffee water then mix into the dry ingredients to a thick batter. Do not over beat.
Divide the batter between the cases and bake for about 12 minutes until risen. Cool on a wire rack and serve freshly baked, lightly dusted with pinches of icing sugar, if liked. 

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