Tuesday 15 August 2017

No Count Oaty Cakey Breakfast Bars

No Count Oaty Cakey Breakfast Bars

This is an adaption of the Breakfast Raisin Bars (also on this site) to make it no count.

Makes 8 slices.

1 egg, beaten
1 tsp vanilla essence
150g oats
100g skimmed milk powder eg Marvel
1 tsp baking powder
10g Splenda
240ml skimmed milk
1 small tin prunes, drained & prunes stoned & chopped

Preheat oven to 180ºC/350ºF/Gas 4

Line a tin approx 6" x 8" or 8" round cake tin or 7" square, with baking parchment.

Mix the oats, dried milk, baking powder and Splenda in a bowl.  Beat the egg and add the vanilla essence.  Mix the egg and liquid milk into the dried ingredients, stirring well.  Now mix in the chopped prunes.

Pour into the tin and bake for 30 mins.  Leave in tin to cool.  Turn out and cut into 8 pieces.

You could use other fruits in this...eg apricots and almond essence, pineapple and coconut essence

OK there's a bit of debate as to whether dried skimmed milk is free on nc.  WW say's it's free as long as it's reconstituted so, in the case of these cake bars, the total recipe will be 5 pts for the dried milk, making it ½ pt per bar.

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