Tuesday 15 August 2017

Almost No Count Chocolate Cake

Almost No Count Chocolate Cake
Serves 8, each piece ¼ point on NC 

1 can (about 400g) chickpeas drained & rinsed and any loose skins removed.
4 eggs separated.
2 tsp baking powder.
250ml Splenda (measured in a jug)
3 tbsp orange juice.
25g cocoa powder (less ½ tsp if you’re icing the cake).  2pts

Filling/icing (if using)
100g Philadelphia extra light cheese or Fat Free cream cheese

4 tsp Splenda
Reserved cocoa powder
Preheat oven to 170ºc (fan).

Line a 7-8” cake tin with greaseproof paper.

Put chickpeas in food processor and blend until smooth. Add juice, egg yolks Splenda and cocoa powder and blend again until smooth.

In a large separate bowl whisk egg whites until stiff and then fold in chocolate mixture until just mixed and mixture resembles chocolate mousse. Do not beat at this point as the cake will not be as light!

Pour mixture into cake tin and bake 35-45 minutes until risen and cake skewer comes out clean.

Leave to cool for 5 minutes in tin then turn out onto wire rack and leave until cold.

Beat together the Philly cheese, Splenda and cocoa powder until smooth to make the filling.

Split the cake in half and use filling to sandwich the two halves together.

If you want, sieve ½ tsp icing sugar over top of cake to make it look pretty.

NB be sure to use cocoa not drinking choc

Also could serve basic cake warm as a pud with warmed through fruits of the forest and a dollop of greek yoghurt/V low fat creme fraiche

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