Tuesday 15 August 2017

Almost NC Blackforest Cake

Almost NC Blackforest Cake

100 g oats
100 g Bran flakes (makes lighter cake)
1tsp Baking powder
2 eggs
2 Muller black cherry yogurts
about 20 black cherrys stoned and chopped
into large pieces
2 heaped tablespoons of cocoa powder (3pts)
few drops of vanilla or chocolate essence
1 teaspoon splenda optional

Mix oats,bran yogurt and cocoa together. Leave to soak 5/10 mins

Beat eggs add essence and baking powder add to mixture then fold in cherries.

I baked mine for about 45 mins on 160ÂșC on middle shelf.

3 pts for the whole cake if on no count

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