Thursday 20 April 2017

Red Pepper Soup

Red Pepper Soup

0 pts & Core

5 Red peppers.
1 Red onion.
3 Large tomatoes.
2 cloves garlic.
1 litre water.
3 teaspns stock granules.
Oil spray.

Preheat oven Gas mark 6. De-seed and quarter peppers. Peel & quarter onion.
Quarter tomatoes & peel garlic cloves. Lay all on a baking tray, spray with oil & season.
Cook at top of oven for 25-30 minutes.
Make up stock & add cooked veg. Liquidise & check seasoning.

Chilli flakes can be added to give the soup a kick.
Freezes well.

Another version:

Red Pepper Soup

Serves 2

No Count recipe

½ pt for the whole recipe on full choice

Put 115g red peppers, roasted and skinned into a pan with 225g passata.  Add 575 ml hot veg stock and 50g diced cooked potatoes.

Season, simmer for 10 mins and blend until smooth.  Serve.

Another version:

Red Pepper Soup 

No Count
 Serves 4
Points per serving: 0 (FC)

1 onion, chopped finely,
2 garlic cloves, crushed
600ml vegetable stock
2 tsp paprika
400g can or jar red peppers
400g can chopped tomatoes
1 tbsp tomato puree
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
salt & pepper

Put onion and garlic in a pan with just enough stock to cover.  Add the paprika and simmer for 5 mins, until the onion has softened.
Add the remaining ingredients apart from seasoning. Bring to the boil and reduce the heat.  Simmer 20-25 mins.

Either sieve or liquidise the soup until smooth.  Season to taste.

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