Tuesday 7 March 2017

WW Kebabs

WW Kebabs 

Another interesting idea from the old WW community recipes.  Again I remind you to re-calculate the points as this is from the old points plan.

From the kitchen of  AMBERSAM

servings 1
estimated Points® per serving | 3

Pitta Bread
Wafer Thin Beef

Choose seasonal salad and slice everything thinly.

Toast a pitta bread

Take about 50g of wafer thin beef and slice it thinly. Microwave for 30 seconds.

Once gently toasted, split open the pitta bread; fill it with copious quantities of salad and dress with your choice of salad dressing;
Lay the cooked beef on the top
drizzle with lemon or lime juice

Cooking the wafer thin beef gives it a texture like kebab meat.
Experiment with dressings but remember to point them correctly.
Fantastic snack once in from the pub if you've enough points left and much better than buying one from the takeaway.

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