Monday 27 March 2017

Savoury Rice Quiche

Savoury Rice Quiche

Serves 4

Full Choice 3 pts per serving (Original points)
No Count make it with plain rice and it will be completely no count

1 pack savoury rice (or use 140g plain rice)
3 medium eggs
extra diced veg, eg sweetcorn (count points) peppers, mushrooms

Cook the rice and allow to cool.  Whisk the eggs, stir in the rice and any veg you want to add.  Pour into a flan dish and bake at 190ºC/375º/Gas 5 for about 20 mins until set and golden brown.

Once cooled, slice into wedges and eat.

Savoury Rice Quiche

1 packet savoury rice (Try to use a sin free one)
3 x eggs
Extra diced veggies, speed veggies are best!

Cook the rice according to the packet instructions, with the veggies added to the pan as you cook the rice. Add the eggs to the rice and pour all into an oven proof dish/flan dish. 
Bake in a hot oven at 190C/375F/gas 5 for about 20 mins until set & golden brown. Can be eaten hot or cold.
Slimming World sins = free on a green day.

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