Monday 27 March 2017

Tuna Quiche

Tuna Quiche 

No Count

1 x Tin of Tuna
1 chopped onion,
3 eggs,
8oz  cottage cheese, any flavour
Seasoning to taste.

Soften the chopped onion in a little water. Beat eggs with cottage cheese, stir in the Tuna and onion mix. Season well and pour into oven dish.
Cook for 30 mins or until golden brown at 190º C.

Tuna Quiche

Core recipe

Serves 4

2 x 185g cans tuna in brine, drained
1 medium onion, chopped
115g sweetcorn
115g mushrooms
115g cooked peas
1 small red pepper, chopped
227g tub low fat cottage cheese
1 egg
1 tbsp skimmed milk
2-3 tomatoes, to garnish

Use the tuna to line a pie dish.  Press the tuna firmly around the base and up the sides.  Arrange the veggies on top of the tuna.

Sieve the cottage cheese and beat in the egg and milk.  Season to taste and pour over the tuna and veggies.  Slice the tomatoes and arrange over the top of the sauce.  Bake in a preheated oven at 180*c for approx 40 minutes until the cheese is set.

Serve hot or cold.

Tuna Quiche    

No Count

1 Medium onion chopped
3 rashers lean bacon chopped
4 eggs
salt and black pepper
pinch of rosemary (optional)
2 x 198g cans tuna in brine
1 tomato sliced
Sliced mushrooms

Preheat oven 190 C. Dry fry onion with the bacon until onion is soft. Place in shallow ovenproof dish. Beat eggs with the seasoning. Drain tuna well and flake. Add to the dish with the bacon and onion and pour the beaten egg over. Arrange slices of tomato and mushrooms on top and bake in oven for about 45 or until set and golden brown.

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