Monday 27 March 2017

Eggy Bread with Cheese

Eggy Bread with Cheese

From the kitchen of ANGELBEAR1

Serves 1
Points per serving 3½
George Foreman Grill or similar
2 slices Weight Watchers Bread (0.5 points per slice)
1 Egg (1.5 points)
Splash of cold water
1 reduced fat cheese food slice or 10g cheddar grated or cut thinly (or more cheese if you have the points) (1 point per 10g)

Heat the grill.

Whisk the egg with a small amount of water (to make it go further - you don't have to do this).
Pour egg mixture into a bowl big enough to enable you to soak the bread in it.
Soak the bread in the mixture and then cook until golden in the grill.
Put the cheese between the slices of eggy bread and then serve.
The cheese will melt with the heat of the bread.

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