Monday 27 March 2017

Rosti Omelette

Rosti Omelette

Serves 4

Core recipe
Points plan 5 pts per serving (original points)

345g potatoes
2 tbsp olive oil
1 onion, chopped
200g tuna chunks in brine, drained
200g can sweetcorn kernels, drained
4 large eggs, beaten
2 tbsp snipped chives

Peel potatoes and cook whole in a pan of salted, boiling water for 5 min.  Drain and run under cold water until cool enough to handle, then grate coarsely.

Mix 1 tbsp oil with the  quarter of the potato, season and set aside.

Cook onion in 1 tsp oil for 5 mins, mix with tuna, remaining potato, sweetcorn, eggs and chives.  Season.

Pour remaining 2 tsp oil into a 8" (20cm) pan, add egg mixture and cook over medium heat for 10 mins until underside is golden.  Pile reserved potato on top.  Grill for 8-10 mins until top is golden and crispy.

Garnish with chives and serve.

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