Monday 27 March 2017

Chilli Ranch Style Eggs with Potato Rosti

Chilli Ranch Style Eggs with Potato Rosti

Serves 2

No Count Recipe

Full Choice 4pts per serving (original points)

1 x 200g tin kidney beans, drained
variety of veg for roasting eg peppers, mushrooms, red onion, courgette, garlic whatever you like
2 x 400g tins chopped tomatoes
½ red onion, chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
chilli flakes or fresh chilli to taste
dash tabasco sauce
400g potatoes
2 eggs

Roast all of the veg in spray oil until cooked to your liking.

Spray a non-stick pan with spray oil and cook the onion and garlic for 5 mins until soft.  Add the chilli flakes and tomatoes and simmer gently.  When the roast veg are cooked add them to the sauce along with the kidney beans, keep warm.  Add tabasco if you want more of a kick.

Meanwhile, grate the potaotes, put them into the centreof a clean tea towel and wring out all the liquid you can.  Heat a non-stick frying pan, spray with frylight and add the potato, seasoned with salt & pepper.  Cook gently until it is browned underneath, then gently turn it over (you might need to put it on a plate to do this.

When the rosti is cooked, keep warm whilst you fry the eggs.

Cut the rosti into quarters putting 2 on each plate, pour over the sauce and put an egg on top. 

Garnish with chopped fresh coriander if you have some.

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