Friday 24 March 2017

Roasted Aubergine & Lentil Moussaka

Roasted Aubergine & Lentil Moussaka 

Serves 4 generously 

5 original points per serving

2 medium aubergines
100 g Puy lentils
300 ml vegetable stock
2 medium onions, chopped
2 tbsp oil
1 large red pepper, de-seeded and chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
400 g can tomatoes
175 ml red wine
2 tbsp tomato puree
½ tsp ground cinnamon
300 ml skimmed milk
2 tbsp cornflour
1 pot 0% Greek yogurt
2 tbsp freshly grated Parmesan

Cut the aubergines into 2 cm dice, sprinkle with salt and place in a
colander. Put a small plate and a weight on top and leave to drain for 30-60 mins. Squeeze out the excess moisture and pat dry on kitchen towel. Toss with 1 tbsp olive oil and roast in oven at
190C for about 25 minutes until browned

Meanwhile, simmer the Puy lentils in stock until tender (20-25
mins) and all the stock is absorbed.
Soften the onion in the remaining oil for about 10 mins, then add
the pepper and cook for 5 mins. Add the garlic and stir around for a minute, then add the tomatoes, red wine, cinnamon and tomato puree. Stir in the roasted aubergines and lentils and simmer for 5 minutes or so while you make the sauce.
Blend the cornflour with a little of the cold milk, then whisk in the rest. Bring to the boil stirring, then simmer for a couple of minutes. Season and add nutmeg to taste. Remove from the heat and stir in the yogurt.
Put the lentil mixture in a 9 inch square dish, top with the sauce and sprinkle with Parmesan. Bake for about 35 mins until golden and bubbling. Gas 5/190ºC.

Let it rest for 10 mins before serving.

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