Friday 24 March 2017

Vegetable Pasta Bake

Vegetable Pasta Bake

Serves 4
4.5 points per serving. (Original points)

680 g jar passata
low-fat cooking spray
300 g diced carrots
300 g leeks, halved and sliced
500 g courgettes diced OR mushrooms (which I used)
2 garlic cloves crushed
80 g mozzarella cheese, grated
8 fresh pasta sheets or cooked lasagne sheets
2 tablespoons half-fat creme fraiche

Preheat oven to 190ºC/375ºF/Gas Mark 5

Put a layer of passata in the bottom of an oven proof dish

Stir fry carrots for 6-8 mins in a non-stick frying pan, using the spray oil. Then add the other vegs and cook for 2 more mins. Vegetables should retain a little bite.

Heat the rest of the passata, garlic and half the cheese until you have a smooth sauce. Season.

Mix the tomato sauce with the vegetables. Put 3 pasta sheets in the bottom of the dish and top with half the veg mixture. Cover with 3 more pasta sheets and then the remaining vegetables. Place the last 2 sheets in the middle of your dish, cover with the creme fraiche and sprinkle the remainder of the cheese all over the top of the dish (not just the pasta).

Cook for 30 mins.

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