Tuesday 28 March 2017

Welshman's Cottage Pie

Welshman's Cottage Pie

Serves 4

6 pts per serving (original points)
Core recipe

450 g potatoes, peeled and cut into chunks
225 g leeks, chopped
450 g lean minced lamb
onion, finely chopped
300 ml stock
200 g tin chopped tomatoes

Preheat oven to Gas 6/200°C/400°F

Boil potatoes until nearly cooked then add the leeks and cook until both are soft.  Drain and mash them together.

Dry fry the mince with the onion for 5 mins.  Add stock and tomatoes, cook for 5-1 0 mins to reduce the liquid and transfer to a large ovenproof dish.  Top with leek and potato mixture, cook for 30-35 mins until golden.

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