Monday 27 March 2017

Greek Island Chicken

Greek Island Chicken

Serves 4
Points per serving: 4 (original points)

4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts, chopped into chunks
1 large red onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, finely chopped
1 green pepper, seeded and diced
120 ml dry white wine
100 g macaroni (dry weight)
1 x 400 g can chopped tomatoes
350 ml chicken stock
½ tsp dried oregano
salt and pepper

Heat oven to Gas 5/190ºC

Spray a large frying pan with frylight, add chicken and onions and saute for 8 mins until beginning to brown.

Add garlic and pepper and cook 2 mins.  Pour in the wine and after it has bubbled up, pour the mixture into an ovenproof dish.  Add the remaining ingredients and mix.

Place in oven for 30-35 mins, stirring halfway through. If dish looks dry add a little more water or stock.  

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