Monday 27 March 2017

Salmon Frittata

Salmon Frittata

Serves 4

5½ pts per serving (Original points)

Core: 3 pts the lot (Parmesan)

418g tin salmon
90g small pasta shapes
1 tbsp olive oil
red onion, chopped
garlic clove, crushed
small yellow pepper, deseeded and chopped
small green pepper, deseeded and chopped
small courgette, sliced
2 medium eggs, beaten
4 tbsp skimmed milk
2 tbsp grated parmesan
salt and pepper

Break salmon into chunks and set aside.  Cook pasta shapes, drain and cool.

Heat oil in a large pan and saute the onion, garlic, peppers and courgette for 5-6 mins.  Add salmon.  Mix eggs, milk and cheese, season with salt & pepper.  Add to the pan and cook frittata until the base is set.

Transfer to a medium grill to set the surface.  Coola few moments before cutting into wedges to serve.

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