Friday 24 March 2017

Cheesy Meatballs

Cheesy Meatballs

Syn free if using cheese as HeA

Extra Lean Minced Beef (5% or less fat)
Light Laughing Cow Triangles (HeA)
Mixed Herbs
Dried garlic

Put the mince into a bowl along with the herbs, garlic, pepper and salt and knead until the mince begins to stick together.
Form into balls and then take one ball and push a hole into the centre of it, push into the hole one half of a cheese triangle and then pinch together to cover and form back into balls shapes.

Place all the meatballs in a oven proof dish and bake on 200ºC/Gas 6 for approx 30-40 mins until cooked through and browned.

Eat with pasta and a tomato/bbq sauce, or SW chips.

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