Tuesday 28 March 2017

Roast Lamb with Damson & Blackberry Sauce

Roast Lamb with Damson & Blackberry Sauce

Serves 4

Core plan ½ pt per serving
Points plan 4 ½ pts per serving (original points)

90g lean cooked roast lamb per person

225g damsons, halved
100g blackberries
50g onion, chopped
1" stick cinnamon
6 allspice berries
150ml red wine
2 tsp cornflour
granulated sweetener to taste

Put fruit into a pan with the onion, cinnamon, allspice berries and wine and bring gently to the boil.  Simmer 20 mins, then remove damson stones and sieve the mixture before returning to the pan.

Mix cornflour with a little cold water and add to the fruit mixture, bring to the boil, lower the heat and cook, stirring until the sauce thickens.  Cool slightly, add sweetener to taste and serve with the roast lamb.

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