Thursday 23 March 2017

Barbecue Sauce

Barbecue Sauce

Balsalmic vinegar and Worcestershire sauce provide the basis for this great tasting bbq sauce that is perfect for a dip, basting a chicken thighs or vegetable kebabs before a bbq.

Core recipe
Points per serving: 0
Syn Free
Serves 4

1 onion, peeled and roughly chopped
1 tsp mild chilli powder
227 ml passata
3 tbsp artifical sweetener
4 tbsp balsamic vinegar
1 tbsp Worcestershire sauce
½tsp mustard powder
salt and freshly ground black pepper.

Spray a pan with fry light and saute the onion and chilli powder over a low heat for 5 minutes until softened.

Stir in the remaining ingredients, bring to the boil and simmer for 10 minutes until thickened. Check the seasoning before serving hot or cold.

Barbecue Sauce

Core recipe
Points per serving: 0

6 fl oz diet coke
6 oz tomato puree
dash or two of Worcestershire sauce

Mix together.

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