Monday 27 March 2017

Salmon Frittata with Cream Cheese & Dill

Salmon Frittata with Cream Cheese & Dill  

No Count recipe

Serves 4

4 salmon fillets
1 red onion, peeled & sliced
6 eggs, beaten
200g philadelphia lightest
3 tbsp chopped fresh dill

Spray a pan with frylight and cook the salmon fillets for 10 mins turning once, until cooked through.  Remove from pan.Tear the salmon into large chunks, discarding the skin.

Add onion to pan and cook until golden, about 7 mins.

Beat the egss together with 110g of the philadelphia, and the dill and season.  Pour the mixture over the onion, top with the salmon and spoon over the remaining cheese.  Cook over a low heat for 10 mins until the egg has nearly set, then pop under a pre-heated grill for another 2 mins to set the top.

Serve immediately.

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