Monday 27 March 2017

Indian Egg Paté

Indian Egg Paté  

Servings  4
Points per serving 2½ (Original points)
No Count recipe

5 Hard-boiled eggs.
Fry-light spray oil.
1 Onion.
1 Clove garlic, crushed.
Small pinch of turmeric.
½ - 1tsp Mild curry powder.
Seasoning to taste.
2-3 tblsp Low-fat natural yogurt.

De-shell the eggs, then mash with a fork to make a smooth paste.
In a frying pan, fry the onion and garlic using fry-light spray, until the onion begins to darken.
Add the spices and seasoning, and continue to cook for a minute or two, to cook the spices.
Stir in the egg mixture, then leave to cool.
When cool, stir in the yogurt; this lightens the mixture.
Spoon the mixture into suitable containers, then chill in the fridge before serving.

Garnish with some trimmed beansprouts before serving. 

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