Tuesday 28 March 2017

Minted Lamb Casserole

Minted Lamb Casserole
Serves 4
3½ pts per serving (original points)
Core recipe

400g lean diced lamb
4 carrots, diced
1 leek, sliced
2 celery sticks, sliced
500ml vegetable or lamb stock
20g gravy granules
1 tablespoon mint sauce

Preheat the oven to Gas 3/170°C/325°F
Put the lamb and vegetables into a casserole dish.
Using the stock and gravy granules, make a gravy and add the mint sauce to this. Pour into the casserole dish.
Cover and cook in the preheated oven for 1 ½ hours.
Uncover, stir and cook for a further 15 minutes before serving 

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