Monday 7 September 2020



No Count

A lovely starter.

Serves 4

175g salmon fillet
1 veg stock cube
175g sliced smoked salmon
juice of ½ lemon
115g Quark
1 garlic clove, crushed
6 green peppercorns, crushed
1 tbsp chopped fresh dill
freshly ground salt & black pepper
salad leaves
lemon wedges to garnish

Poach the salmon fillet for 5 mins in a shallow pan, containing sufficient water to cover with the crumbled stock cube added.  When cooked, lift the fish from the cooking liquor and place in a bowl to cool.

Remove skin and any bones from the fish, breaking apart with a fork.  Add the lemon juice, quark, garlic, peppercorns and dill and mix well, seasoning with salt & pepper.

Place a sheet of greaseproof paper on a choppingboard and lay the smoked salmon on top, overlapping slightly to make a small rectangle shape approx 8" x 6" (20cm x 15cm)

Carefully spread the salmon mixture over, taking it right up to the edges.  Roll up from the wide edge like a swiss roll as tight as possible and then slice into 8 x 2.5cm (1") disks.

Arrange on a bed of lettuce & serve.

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