Monday 7 September 2020

Creamy Prawn & Asparagus Pasta

Creamy Prawn & Asparagus Pasta

100g fresh asparagus tips
1 x 500g pack fresh pasta.....tagliatelle verde is good
75g frozen peas
250g tiger prawns, thawed if frozen
1 x 200g pack extra light soft cheese (eg philly)
60ml skimmed milk
freshly ground black pepper
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice

Halve the asparagus tips and add to a large pan boiling water with the pasta & peas, cook 2 mins, and drain.

Put the soft cheese and milk into a pan and heat gently until well combined, add the prawns, asparagus, pasta, peas and mix gently but well.  Stir in the lemon juice and serve.

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