Saturday 5 September 2020

Fennel & Bean Stew

Fennel & Bean Stew

Serves 4

Full Choice 2½ pts per serving

No Count: 1½ pts per serving

3 fennel bulbs, cut into wedges
½ tsp smoked paprika
100ml dry white wine (1pt)
1 x 400g cannellini beans, drained
3 tbsp red pesto (5pts)
1 onion, finely chopped
250ml veg stock

Heat a large non-stick pan, sprayed with frylight and cook the onion and fennel gently, for 10 mins.  Season with salt.

Add the paprika and cook stirring for 1 min, then add the wine and cook for 1 min.  Add remaining ingredients and bring to the boil, simmer for 10-15 mins until the beans have softened and the sauce thickened.

Serve sprinkled with chopped fresh parsley.

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