Saturday 5 September 2020

Feta and Bean Lasagne

Feta and Bean Lasagne

Servings | 2
Full Choice 8 pts per serving
No Count 3 pts to count for the feta cheese

1/2 can Sainsbury's Mixed Bean Salad
1/2 large can canned tomatoes
1 medium onion(s)
1 clove garlic
1 teaspoon worcestershire sauce
1 teaspoon basil
1 teaspoon oregano
1 portion stock cube
1 teaspoon Marmite Marmite
2 medium egg(s)
2 medium por feta cheese
2 medium por kale
1/4 pint skimmed milk
3 sheet lasagne sheet

Fry the washed beans, onion, garlic in some olive oil spray. add the worcestershire sauce, tomatoes, stock and herbs/seasonings.

in a jug beat the eggs and add the crumbled feta and milk.

shred the kale finely and layer the bottom of the lasagne dish, pour over half the cheese sauce, top with half the lasagne pasta.

add a layer of the bean mixture, then the remaining pasta, and finely top with the remaining cheese mixture.

Bake for 30mins in a hot oven

FOR NO COUNT you can swap the feta for Extra light soft cheese. or simply point the 3 points of feta cheese.
From Sainsbury's via the WW boards!

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