Saturday 5 September 2020

Herbed Polenta Fingers (Vegan)

Herbed Polenta Fingers (Vegan)

Servings | 4
Estimated POINTS® value per serving | 2 full choice
No Count you need to count the points for the Parmesan (1½pts)

6oz/175g Polenta.
1 heaped teasp dried sage.
1 heaped teasp dried oregano.
1 heaped teasp dried parsley.
1 heaped teasp 'Parmazano'.
Small amount dried mixed herbs.
30fl oz/900ml water.

Put the water in a large saucepan and bring to the boil.
Mix dried sage, oregano, parsley and Parmazano with the dry polenta, then gradually add to the boiling water whisking continually to prevent any lumps from forming.
Lower the heat and simmer, stirring frequently, for approx 10-15 minutes until the mixture thickens.
Spoon the cooked Polenta into a lined baking tray/dish flattening it with a wet spoon until it is approx 3/4"/2cm thick.
Cover and put in the fridge until completly cold.
When cold sprinkle the dried mixed herbs over the top and cut into fingers, squares or triangles and remove carefully.
To cook you can either fry in a little oil on both sides until crisp on each side. Grill turning gently again until cooked on both sides or oven bake in a hot oven180c/350f/Gas Mark 4 until cooked, approx 20-30 minutes, turning about half way through.

You can use other spices for a different taste. Instead of the herbs add 1 teasp cayenne pepper, 1 teasp chilli powder and 1 teasp ground coriander. Make as above and sprinkle with paprika powder prior to baking.

Try curry powder and cumin. There are lots of alternatives.

You can add tomato or garlic puree for different colour/taste.

The points are for baked or grilled fingers.

Great served on there own or with a home made tomato sauce.

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