Friday 25 September 2020

Baked Coffee Custard


Baked Coffee Custard 


No Count


4 large eggs.
1.1/2 cup skimmed milk
1/4 cup splenda
1 tsp vanilla
1 Tbsp hot water
2 tsp instant coffee
small amount of cocoa for dusting.

In a medium bowl combine eggs, milk, splenda and vanilla.
Dissolve coffee in hot water and add to egg mixture. beat until combined but not foamy.
Place four ramekin dishes in a baking pan and divide the mixture between them.
Pour boiling water into the pan about three quarters of the way up ramekin dishes and put into oven at 325deg. 160c for 25 - 35 min until set.
Remove from oven and leave to cool.
dust with sieved cocoa powder. or nutmeg.

Peach Mousse (Mous Rodakinou)


Peach Mousse (Mous Rodakinou) 

 no count


2 sachets sugar free lemon jelly
200g 0% greek yogurt
2 teaspoons Canderel
1 x 180g can peaches in natural juice

Dissolve the jelly in two glasses of boiling water and leave to cool.   Add most of the peach juice. Keep one peach for decoration and blend the remaining peaches and juice in a liquidizer.   Beat the Canderel into the Yogurt and gradually stir in the peach and jelly mixture.   Pour into a deep glass bowl and chill.


Tropical Fruit Cheesecakes


Tropical Fruit Cheesecakes

 No Count


200 g low-fat soft cheese, tub
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
2 tablespoon artificial sweetener
1 large egg(s), separated
4 portion Quaker Caramel Jumbo Snack a Jacks
1 medium mango(s), whole fruit, ripe, peeled, pitted and sliced
½ medium papaya, whole fruit, deseeded and peeled
1 medium kiwi fruit, peeled and sliced
2 sprig fresh mint


Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 4 / 180°C / 350°F.

Spoon the soft cheese into a mixing bowl and beat with a wooden spoon until softened. Stir in the vanilla essence and sweetener, then the egg yolk.

In a clean, grease-free bowl, whisk the egg white until it holds its shape. Fold it into the cheese mixture using a large metal spoon.

Fold a collar of foil around each Snack-a-Jack to about twice its depth, making sure that it is a snug fit. Share the cheescake mixture between them, levelling the tops. Transfer to the oven and bake for 12-15 minutes, until set. Cool completely.

Chill until ready to serve, then carefully peel away the foil collars. Top with sliced mango, papaya and kiwi fruit. Decorate with mint sprigs.

Chef’s Tip: Use your choice of fresh fruit to top the cheesecakes. Sliced fresh strawberries, raspberries and blueberries would be delicious.

Sparkling Jelly


Sparkling Jelly

No Points

Serves 2/ prep and setting time = 5mins


300ml boiling water

a sachet of sugar free jelly

A can of diet lemonade


1. Mix the water with the jelly and stir until dissolved.

2. Allow to cool a little then pour in the diet lemonade and stir well.

3. Put in a cold place to set.

Jegert Trifle


Jegert Trifle 

No Count


Serves 6

prep and setting time = 10 mins 

Points per recipe = 3 1/2 (FC)

Points per serving = 1/2 (FC)


200g can of fruit cocktail in juice, drained

2 pkts of sugar free jelly

1 small(150g) tub of low fat plain yoghurt


1. Make up 1 pkt of jelly according to the instructions on the pkt. Place the fruit into a serving dish and pour over jelly. Put in the fridge to set.

2. Make up the 2nd jelly using 450ml(3/4pint) of water and refrigerate. When the 2nd jelly is on the point of setting, whisk in the yoghurt, then spoon onto the top of the fruit jelly. Leave to set and serve.


Kiwi & Lime Sorbet


Kiwi & Lime Sorbet 

 No Count

 4 ripe kiwi fruit + slices to decorate

2 limes
2 tbsp granulated artificial sweetener
1 large egg white 

1. Slice the tops and bottoms from the kiwi fruit. Using a vegetable peeler, peel off the skin. Roughly chop the flesh and place it in a blender or food processor.

2. Grate the rind from one of the limes and add to the kiwi fruit along with the juice from both limes, and the sweetener. Blend for a few seconds until smooth. Alternatively, mash with a fork.

3. Transfer to a freezer container and mix in ¼pt/142ml cold water, then freeze for 1½ hours. Remove from the freezer and beat thoroughly to break up the ice crystals. Whisk the egg white until stiff and fold it into the kiwi mixture. Freeze for a further 30 minutes and then beat again. Freeze again for at least 2 hours until firm.

4. Pile the sorbet into individual glasses & serve it decorated with kiwi slices

Chilled Yogurt - Rice Dessert


Chilled Yogurt - Rice Dessert  


No Count


25g rice, raw weight, cooked and chilled

50g 0% greek yogurt

50g strawberries, chopped



Mix together & chill until ready to serve.

Cantaloupe Melon Granita


Cantaloupe Melon Granita


No Count Recipe

Serves 8


500 g Cantaloupe Melon, (weighed without skin or seeds)
1 tablespoon lemon juice
2 teaspoon grated ginger root, fresh
300 ml sugar-free fruit squash, apple flavoured, make up with water
6 tablespoon artificial sweetener, powdered
1 medium slice Cantaloupe Melon, cut into tiny slivers, to decorate


Cut the melon chunks and place them in a blender with the lemon juice, ginger, apple squash and sweetener. Blend until very smooth (you may have to do this in batches).

Tip the mixture into an ice-cream maker and follow the manufacturer’s instructions to freeze the mixture. Alternatively, tip into a freezer container and freeze for about 1 hour. Stir with a fork to break up the ice crystals, then freeze again for another hour. Repeat the stirring, then freeze until solid.

Take the container from the freezer about 25 minutes before you wish to serve, so that you can break it up with a fork. Scoop into glasses or bowls and serve immediately, decorated with tiny slivers of melon.


Use Charentais or honeydew melon instead of Cantaloupe





Makes 3 servings ( or 2 adults & 2 childrens servings)
This looks really classy.

1 egg, separated
2 oz artificial sweetener
2 oz semolina
1 tsp baking powder

1 tsp sweetener

To serve
little yogurt , fruit & mint leaves

Put strawberries with 1 teasp sweetener in a blender and blitz until smooth.
Sieve to remove pips, put in fridge to keep cool.

Heat oven to gas mark 6/2000C.
Spray a baking tray with Frylight and dust with semolina.  
Whisk egg white until stiff, whisk in sweetener, add yolk and whisk again.
Mix together semolina & baking powder and fold lightly into egg mixture.
Put 6 spoonfuls on the baking tray and bake for 15 - 20 until golden brown.
Handle with care as these cakes are very easily broken.

Do not assemble dessert until ready to eat.
To serve spread some of the sauce on a plate, drizzle 3 lines of yogurt across sauce, with a knife drag alternative lines across sauce to make pattern.
Place two cakes, a little fruit and mint leaves to garnish on top and serve at once.





almost no count
This makes 6 - 8 slices and 'costs' 2.5 points for the whole thing !!!

1 slice Jus roll Filo Pastry
1 can crushed pineapple
2 egg yolks
1 tabs cornflour
1 dessertspoons sweetener
2 egg whites
6 heaped dessertspoons sweetener

Line 8" flan dish with pastry.

Pour pineapple & juice into saucepan, add 1 dessertspoon sweetener, mix cornflour to a paste with a drop of water, stir into pineapple heat and stir until thickened.
Allow to cool.
Whisk egg hites until stiff, whisk in 3 dessertspoons sweetener, fold in remaining sweetener.
Beat egg yolks ino cooled filling and pour into filo case, topwith the meringue and cook in a cool oven for about 20 mins until meringue is crisp.
Allow to cool before serving.

Monday 7 September 2020



Serves 4
Points per serving 5½

1 x 418g or 2 x 213g tins red or pink salmon
1 tbsp chilli oil or veg oil
1 red onion, sliced
1 garlic clove, crushed
2 celery sticks, sliced
90g fine green beans, sliced
1 yellow pepper, deseeded and sliced
120g fresh spinach, washed
4 medium soft tortillas
50g half fat cheddat cheese
salt & pepper

Drain the salmon, reserving the liquid and discarding the skin & bones if wished.  Flake the salmon and set aside.

Heat oil in a frying pan and saute the onion, garlic, celery, green beans and pepper until softened, about 5 mins.  Add the slamon liquid and spinach.  Cook for 3 minutes, bubbling up to reduce the liquid.  remove from the heat.

Preheat the oven to Gas 5/190ºC/375ºF.

Lay the tortillas out on a work surface.  Spoon hte veg mixture on top and divide the salmon between them.  Roll up and place into a baking dish.  Sprinkle with the cheese and bake in the oven for about 20 mins until heated through.  serve at once.



Serves 4
Points per serving 4½

240g long grain rice
1 tbsp sesame oil
1 lge red onion, thinly sliced
1-2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tsp freshly grated ginger
4 tomatoes, chopped
480g frozen prawns, defrosted
2 tbsp fresh chopped coriander
2 tbsp Balti curry paste
1 lime or lemon cut into wedges
salt & pepper

Put the rice on to cook.

Meanwhile heat the oil in a wok or large frying pan.  Add the onion and garlic and cook, stirring for 3-4 minutes, until softened.

Add the ginger and tomatoes.  Cook for a few minutes, then tip in the prawns.  Stir in the coriander and Balti curry paste.  Cook over a low heat for about 5 mins, then check seasoning.

Drain the rice and divide between 4 plates.  Pile the prawn mixture on top.  Serve at once with lime or lemon wedges.

Can be made with 480g chicken and it will then be 5½ points per serving.



Serves 6
Points per serving 3

6 cod fillets 175g each
1 x 400g can chopped tomatoes
1 tsp mixed dried herbs
1 garlic clove, crushed
1 tsp tomato puree
1 x 200g Extra Light Philadelphia, softened
pinch caster sugar
salt & pepper

Cook the cod under a preheated grill for 10-15 mins, turning once.
Meanwhile place the tomatoes, herbs, garlic and tomato puree in a pan.  Bring to the boil and simmer for 2-3 mins.  Add Philadelphia and heat gently, stirring until melted.  Add sugar & seasoning.
Serve the cod with the sauce and a green salad or vegetables.
To make one dumpling, mix together 1 tbsp flour with water and salt to make a dough, roll, semi-flatten then boil.  You will need 6 for the above recipe. (1 pt per dumpling)



Serves 6
Points per serving 5½

1 stalk lemon grass
240g jasmine rice
3 tsp stir-fry oil
6 x 180g fresh tuna or swordfish steaks
1 bunch spring onions, halved lengthways
finely grated zest & juice of 1 lemon
2 tbsp chopped fresh chives
salt & pepper
lemon zest to garnish

Bash the lemon grass with a rolling pin to bruise it.  Bring a large pan of water to the boil and add the lemon grass, rice and a pinch of salt.  Simmer 10 mins or until the rice is tender.
Meanwhile, preheat a griddle pan or heavy based frying pan.  Rub the oil over both sides of the fish steaks.
Cook the fish steaks for about 3-4 mins, depending on the thickenss, adding the spring onions when you turn the steaks over.  When they are almost done, add the lemon juice and rind.
Drain the rice and discard the lemon grass.  Stir through the chives and a little ground black pepper.  Serve the fish steaks with the rice, garnished with a little extra lemon zest



Serves 1
Points per serving 5

60g egg thread noodles
45g spring onions, sliced
45g canned red pimento rinsed, drained & sliced
1 tbsp tomato puree
2 tsp lemon juice
2 tsp chopped fresh coriander
1 x 200g tin tuna in brine, drained
salt & pepper
fresh coriander & lemon wedges to garnish

Cover the egg noodles with boiling water and set aside for 6 mins.
Meanwhile mix spring onions, pimento, tomato puree, lemon juice and chopped coriander.  Add the tuna trying not to break it up too much.
Drain the noodles and gently stir in the tuna mixture.  Season & serve.



Points per recipe 11
Points per serving 5½

120g tagliatelle
1 egg
2 tbsp skimmed milk
120g cottage cheese
2 tsp finely chopped dill
salt & pepper
45g smoked salmon
2 tsp Parmesan Cheese

Cook pasta as per packet instructions.  Meanwhile, lightly beat egg and milk together.  Sieve the cottage cheese into a bowl and gradually stir in egg and milk.  Add herbs and season.
Cut salmon into long thin strips. 
Drain cooked pasta, return to pan.  add cottage cheese mixture and return to low heat.  Stir continuously until sauce has thickened.  Remove from pan and stir in salmon.  Divide between 2 serving plates and sprinkle each with 1 tsp Parmesan cheese.



Serves 2
Points per serving: with herring or cod 1½
                               with whiting 1

2 x 120g fish fillets eg herring, cod or whiting
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 orange
1 tbsp chopped fresh mint or 2 tsp mint sauce concentrate
salt & pepper

Rinse fish and pat dry.
Mix cinnamon, grated zest of the orange and the mint.
Rub into both sides of fish fillets and leave for 10 mins.
Squeeze the juice from the orange and drizzle a little over each fillet before grilling.
Heat the grill to medium and grill the fish for 3 mins on one side.  Turn and sprinkle with more orange juice and grill for a further 3 mins.
Season and serve with any remaining juice poured over.



Serves 2
Points per serving 3
Freezing recommended

100g canned tuna in brine, drained
1 onion, chopped
400g can WWFH Baked Beans
2 tbsp fresh breadcrumbs
25g half-fat cheese, grated

Preheat oven to Gas 6/200º/400ºF
Mix tuna & onion & put into an ovenproof dish.
Spoon beans over.
Mix breadcrumbs and cheese & sprinkle over top.
Bake 20 mins or until golden.



Serves 2
Points per recipe 3
Points per serving 1½

1 large onion, chopped
2 cloves garlic, crushed
400g can tomatoes
120g mushrooms, slcied
2 tbsp sweetcorn
½ yellow pepper, slcied
1 medium courgette, sliced
200g can tuna in brine, drained
1 tbsp tomato puree
tabasco sauce
salt & pepper
canned spray oil.

Spray a non-stick pan with spray oil, heat and add the onion & garlic and fry until soft. Add tomatoes and bring to the boil and simmer for 15 mins.
Add the mushrooms and simmer gently for another 5 mins.  Add sweetcorn, pepper and courgette and cook for 10 mins then stir in the tuna, tomato puree and tabasco sauce.
Season to taste and simmer 5 mins.  Serve.

Nice with pasta, rice or couscous or even a jacket spud



Serves 2
Points per recipe 11½
Points per serving 5½
2 x 200g smoked haddock fillets
400g frozen chopped spinach
75g half fat cheddar cheese, grated
2 tbsp low fat mayonnaise
½ tsp mustard powder
1 tsp Worcestershire sauce
shake of Tabasco sauce
½ tsp grated nutmeg
salt & pepper

Put haddock into a non stick frying pan and add 200 ml water.  Poach gently for 6-8 mins until cooked.  The flesh should be opaque and flake easily.
Meanwhile, cook the spinach according to pack instructions, squeeze out excess moisture and transfer to two individual heatproof dishes.  Season with a little salt & pepper.
Remove the skin from the haddock, and lay on top of the spinach.  Preheat the grill.
Mix the cheese with the mayonnaise, mustard powder, Worcestershire sauce, Tabasco & nutmeg.  Spread this over the haddock fillets, to cover them completely.  Grill until browned and bubbling and serve at once.

Tip: You can serve this with a poached egg on top, remembering to add the 1½ pts for the egg.

King Prawn, Mushroom & Salmon Spicy Creamy Risotto

King Prawn, Mushroom & Salmon Spicy Creamy Risotto

From the kitchen of MOOGLE1

Servings | 4
Estimated POINTS® value per serving | 6

310 g Tesco Arborio Risotto Rice
2 portion Oxo Vegetable Cubes
1 portion fresh red chilli(s)
4 clove garlic
1 portion shallots
56 g smoked salmon
285 g Youngs Peeled Prawns, Quick Frozen
160 g mushrooms
10 quantity water
1 teaspoon dried mixed herbs
3 tablespoon half-fat creme fraiche
1 slice The Co-Operative Smoked Ham
3 spray Fry Light Sunflower Oil Spray

Chop the shallots, garlic, de-seed 1 red chilli, chop and fry all of it with fry light.
Add the rice and stir in 1 litre of water gradually. Add 2 vegetable stock cubes, add some dried mixed herbs to the water and also a pinch of italian spices. Slice the mushrooms and stir in.
Weigh out your smoked salmon and chop in to pieces. Add to the pan. Chop 1 slice of ham and add. Stir in 3 tablespoons of creme fraiche to thicken and make creamy.
Keep stiring and check the rice it should be soft on outside with a slight bite.
Weigh the frozen prawns and stir in a few mins before the end.
Check they are warmed through and hey presto.



Serves 4
Points per serving 2½

180g can tuna in springwater or brine, drained
200g potatoes, boiled and mashed
2 tbsp fresh parsley, chopped
1 tbsp soy sauce
1 tbsp chutney
1 egg, beaten
90g cornflake crumbs

Combine tuna, potato, parsley, soy sauce and chutney in a bowl.  Add just enough egg to make a moist but not sloppy mixture.
Divide the mixture into 8 portions and form into fingers.  Coat in the crumbs and chill for 10 mins.

Preheat oven to 180ºC Gas 4.  Transfer the fingers to a tray and bake for 10 minutes until golden.
Chinese Marinated Salmon Fillet
Serves 1

Take 125g salmon fillet and marinate it in ½tsp clear honey, 1 tbsp soy sauce and ½tsp Chinese five spice powder in a shallow oven proof dish.  Roll the salmon in the mixture so all the sides are coated.  Leave at least 30 mins.

Cook skin side down in the dish for 20 mins at Gas 6/200ºC/400ºF until fish is cooked

Blackened Tuna Steak with Garlic Mash

Blackened Tuna Steak with Garlic Mash

6 points per serving

Tuna Steak (approximately 2 points worth)
1 teaspoon of oil - preferably chilli oil (1 point)
Cajun spices
Black (or mixed) pepper
Garlic cloves
Potatoes (enough for produce 3 scoops of mash at 3 points)
(low fat marg & skim milk for mash)
Vegetables of your choice - cooked as you like them

1. Marinate a tuna steak in 1 teaspoon of chilli oil (or any other kind of oil if you don't have this) mixed with Cajun spices, black (or mixed) pepper, salt, paprika and any other spices you fancy depending on your taste. Make sure the fish is well coated with the mixture on both sides. Ideally the fish is best left to marinate over night but a couple of hours would suffice if you don't have the time.
2. Cook the tuna steak by either using a griddle pan (gives that lovely chargrilled look) or by grilling it or baking it in the over. Keep basting the fish with any left over mixture while cooking.
3. While the fish is cooking - bake a few garlic cloves in their skins in the oven.
4. Meanwhile cook some potatoes and mash with a little margarine and milk.
5. Once the garlic is cooked split the skins and squeeze out the garlic pulp into the mashed potato (use as much garlic as desired according to your taste), mix some fresh chopped parsley or cooked onion through the mash potato too (or as an alternative).
6. Once the fish is cooked serve it on top of the mash potato and surround the mash with your choice of vegetables - personally I like to serve this with stir-fried vegetables or roasted vegetables.

Smoked Mackerel Pate

Smoked Mackerel Pate

No Count

3/4 tub of ELF
4 thin strips of smoked mackerel or two of the fat fillets (remove bones and skin!)
1 tsp horseradish sauce
squeeze of lemon juice
freshly ground pepper

just mash it all together with a fork until it is smooth.

Prawn Jambalaya

Prawn Jambalaya

100g of brown rice (or however much you want)
one onion
one red, one yellow pepper
125g prawns
1 x colmans packet jambalaya mix (0.5 points per whole packet)

chop the onion and peppers and fry with fry light until browned.
Half cook the brown rice (it takes ages to cook!)
mix all ingredients together with 1/2 pint water and cook until rice is done.

The ingredients and amounts are different to that on the packet as i have adapted it for one big lunch. The water is up to you but i find that 1/2 pint is plenty. Also, I use the whole packet as it's not very strong with less

Summer Bean Orecchiette with Smoked Salmon

Summer Bean Orecchiette with Smoked Salmon


A light pasta dish making use of the best of the season.
4 Portions as a main or 6 Portions as a starter

350g oreichetti
100g peas (200g in their pods)
100g broad beans, skinned* (400g in their pods)
75g mange tout, cut into 4
Zest & juice 1/2 lime
To Serve
50g smoked salmon, finely shredded
2 tbsp. chives, finely chopped
Freshly ground pepper
spray oil

Beans: In a saucepan of boiling water place the prepared broad beans and simmer for 2 minutes then add the mange tout and peas and cook for a further 1minute. Remove the beans from the saucepan and refresh in cold water. Set aside.

Pasta: Place the pasta in a large saucepan of boiling water, cook for 5-8 minutes, stirring occasionally so that the pasta doesn't stick to the bottom. It is cooked when tender but still firm (al dente). Strain the pasta and set aside.

To Cook: Heat the oil in a saucepan until hot then add the beans and lime zest and cook for 1 minute stirring. Remove the pan from the heat and add the pasta, lime juice, most of the smoked salmon and chives (leaving some to garnish) and a little freshly ground pepper and toss it all together well so that the ingredients are well distributed.

To Serve: Place the pasta in 4 or 6 bowls and sprinkle over the smoked salmon and chives. Serve

To shell and skin broad beans: Split the pods down the sides and push out the beans with your finger. Place the beans in a bowl and pour over boiling water and leave for a couple of minutes, then refresh in cold water. Split the grey skin with your finger or a little knife and push out the green bean.

Creamy Prawn & Asparagus Pasta

Creamy Prawn & Asparagus Pasta

100g fresh asparagus tips
1 x 500g pack fresh pasta.....tagliatelle verde is good
75g frozen peas
250g tiger prawns, thawed if frozen
1 x 200g pack extra light soft cheese (eg philly)
60ml skimmed milk
freshly ground black pepper
1 tbsp fresh lemon juice

Halve the asparagus tips and add to a large pan boiling water with the pasta & peas, cook 2 mins, and drain.

Put the soft cheese and milk into a pan and heat gently until well combined, add the prawns, asparagus, pasta, peas and mix gently but well.  Stir in the lemon juice and serve.




1 small can of tuna
1 small onion
1 small can of baked beans
fusili pasta (I normally use 3 or 4 handfuls)
1 knorr mexican stock cube
Good pinch of chilli powder

Cook the pasta as per the pack instructions. Crumble the mexican stock cube in to the boiling water along with a good sprinkle of chilli powder.
While waiting for the pasta to cook heat the beans through.
Chop the onion quite finely and drain the tuna.
Once pasta is cooked, drain the water away.
Add the beans, onion & tuna to the pasta and stir well.
If you want more of a tomato taste then add a couple of teaspoons of tomato puree to the beans while they are cooking.

Any leftovers can be eaten cold the following day for lunch.

Grilled Tuna with corn salsa

Grilled Tuna with corn salsa

Serves 4

60ml balsalmic vinegar
1½ tsp Dijon mustard
1 tsp crushed chilli flakes
¼ tsp salt
¼ tsp ground black pepper
4 tuna steaks
200g cooked sweetcorn kernels
1 roasted red pepper, chopped

Mix vinegar, 2 tbsp water, mustard, chilli flakes, salt and pepper in a large plastic bag, remove 2 tbsp and set aside.  Add the tuna to the bag, seal and turn until tuna is coated.  Refrigerate for 1 hour, turning bag occasionally.
Arrange corn in a thin layer n a baking sheet, spray with oil and grill carefully until it begins to brown (4-5mins)  Add the corn and the pepper to the reserved marinade.
Grill the tuna steaks 6-7 mins on each side.  Serve with the salsa.

Quick and Easy Fish Cakes

Quick and Easy Fish Cakes

No Count

POINTS® value | 2 (Full choice)
Servings | 4

400 g coley, thawed if frozen (or any white fish fillets)
1 small onion(s), chopped
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon soy sauce, light
250 g potato(es), peeled and grated coarsely
10 spray low-fat cooking spray
1/2 teaspoon pepper

Cut the fish into chunks and then place them in a food processor with the onion, salt, soy sauce and pepper to taste. Whizz to a thick purée but do not process too much.

Rinse the grated potato in cold water, then drain well and pat dry in a clean tea towel. Mix with the fish.

Using wet hands, shape into four large patties or 8 smaller ones. Make sure they are not too thick.

Coat a large non-stick frying-pan with cooking spray and cook the fish cakes over a medium heat for about 5-7 minutes on each side until they feel quite firm when pressed.

Monkfish on Saffron Risotto

Monkfish on Saffron Risotto

1 pt the whole recipe on no count

POINTS® value | 5
Servings | 4

1/2 teaspoon spices, a good pinch of saffron strands
850 ml fresh stock, vegetable, hot (1 1/2 pints)
1 spray low-fat cooking spray
175 g dried rice, risotto variety (6oz)
5 portion spring onions, (1 bunch), trimmed and chopped
1 clove garlic, crushed
100 ml wine, white, dry (3 1/2 fl oz)
2 tablespoon parmesan cheese, finely grated
50 g Asda Petit Pois, or other brand of petit pois or garden peas (1 3/4oz), thawed if frozen
600 g monkfish, (5 1/2 oz), 4 fillets
1 pinch salt
1 serving pepper, black, freshly ground
4 large leaf basil, to garnish

1. Add the saffron stands to the hot vegetable stock and leave to infuse whilst starting to cook the risotto.
2. Spray a large sauté pan or non-stick frying pan with low fat cooking spray, heat for a few moments and add the rice. Cook over a low heat for about 2 minutes, stirring, until the rice looks shiny, but not brown.
3. Add the spring onions and garlic then pour in the white wine and let it bubble up for a few moments. Add a couple of ladlefuls of stock. Stir, then cook over a medium heat for 20 - 25 minutes, gradually adding the remaining stock, until the rice is almost tender.
4. Add the parmesan and peas, stirring them through gently. Season with salt and pepper, if needed. Sit the monkfish fillets on top and cover the pan with a lid or sheet of foil. Turn off the heat and let the risotto sit for 8 - 10 minutes, during which time the fish will steam.
5. Serve, garnished with basil leaves.

Cook’s tips: For a deliciously creamy risotto it's important to use the correct rice, so choose Italian Arborio or carnaroli rice for best results. Any firm white fish will work in place of monkfish - try haddock, halibut or hake instead.



No count

You will need:

dried pasta (better to use a ribbon type)
prawns (I mixed small frozen and king)
a red pepper
2 cloves garlic
1/2 a courgette
a tomato
small bunch fav fresh herbs
a lemon and a lime
a shallot
fry light
morrisons elf garlic and herb soft cheese

boil pasta

cut all veg and garlic into smallish dice fry in fry light until soft.

then add prawns and chopped up tomato along with the juice of lemon and lime add a splash of passata and tabasco.

let the sauce reduce slightly and add couple of tablespoons of elf garlic and herb and incorporate.

add pasta into finished sauce and season to taste.

Salmon Thai Broth with Rice Noodles

Salmon Thai Broth with Rice Noodles 

No count

Serves 2

1 litre (1 1/2pts) light fish or vegetable stock
1 stick lemongrass
2cm (1in) ginger peeled and thinly sliced
1/2 red chilli thinly sliced
1 lime leaf dried or fresh
1tsp fish sauce(optional)
splash soy sauce
2 x 150g (5oz) skinless boneless salmon
60g rice noodles
2 small heads pak choy
2 spring onions finely sliced
handful coriander

Cut lemongrass in half andcrush with rolling pin. Heat stock in pan and add lemongrass ginger chilli and lime leaf. Reduce heat and simmer for 5 mins. Add fish sauce and soy sauce. Add fish cover and poach until just cooked through.Reomve fish and set aside. Strain stock through sieve. Bring stock back to boil and add rice noodles, simmer for 2 mins.
Seperate the pack choy and cut larger plants in half. Add to the pan with the spring onions for 1 mins. Flake the salmon and return to the broth.
Divide and serve.

Trout and New Potato Salad

Trout and New Potato Salad

No Count

Serves 4
190oC/375oF/Gas 5

500g jersey royals
350g (12oz) trout fillets
8 quails eggs (optional)
50g (2oz) wild rocket
1tsp capers
1 small clove garlic crushed
1tsp dijon mustard
splash lemon juice
4 spring onions trimmed and sliced
4 handfuls of salad leaves
salt and pepper

Preheat oven.Wash potatoes and boil till tender. Lay trout fillets on foil lined baking tray and spray with frylight, bake on middle shelf of oven for 10 mins.
Boil eggs for 4 mins drain and refresh under cold running water.
Blend the rocket capers garlic mustard and lemon juice in processor till smooth. Peel potatoes whilst warm and slice thickly, mix with 2/3 of rocket dressing.
Remove skin from trout and flake into large pieces. Gently mix spring onions and trout into potatoes. Place handful of salad leaves onto plate spoon trout and potato mix on top. Top with eggs and drizzle remaining dressing on top.



Serves 4

Points per serving full choice  2

Points for full recipe on no count  1 pt for honey

30 ml fresh lime juice (1-2 limes)
1 tbsp honey
1 clove garlic, crushed
1 slice fresh ginger, approx 1/8th" thick
4 medium tuna steaks (approx 100g each)

Combine lime juice, garlic, hooney and ginger in a large shallow dish.  Add the fish and turn to coat.  Cover and marinate for 1 hour, turning fish occasionally.

Remove fish, reserving marinade.  Remove & discard ginger.  Place fish on grill rack, and cook 8 mins each side or until done to your liking, basting frequently with the reserved marinade.

Chinese Omelette

Chinese Omelette 

No Count

Serves 1

2 tbsp lemon juice
¼tsp cayenne pepper
120g peeled prawns
pinch chinese five spice powder
150g beansprouts
salt & pepper
2 eggs

Mix lemon juice, cayenne, five spice and prawns and leave to marinate 1 hour.

Spray pan with frylight.  Add beansprouts and toss for 1 min to warm.  Add prawns and marinade and heat until warm.

Meanwhile, beat the eggs, spray omelette pan with frylight and heat pan gently.  Pour in eggs and cook until top is set and bottom browned.  Spread prawn mixture on top, fold in half, slide onto plate and serve.




Serves 4

225g smoked mackerel fillets, skin removed
1 tbsp coarse grain mustard
115g Quark (or extra light Philly)
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
juice of ½ lemon
salt & pepper

Using a fork, break up the mackerel fillets in a bowl.  Add the mustard, quark or philly, parsley and lemon juice.  Mix well and season.

Press into 4 ramekins and smooth the tops with a knife.  Refrigerate until ready to serve.

Asian Spiced Fish With Mushrooms

Asian Spiced Fish With Mushrooms 

No Count

Serves 4 – adapted by Liz Howard from a recipe in BBC Good Food Magazine

4 tbsp soy sauce
Zest of 1 lime
1 red chilli, thinly sliced
4 x 175g firm white fish
200g pack mixed mushrooms
Handful of coriander leaves, to serve

Heat the oven to 200C/gas mark 6.   mix the lime zest, soy sauce and chilli in a shallow non-metallic dish.   Add the fish, turn to coat and marinade for 10 minutes.

Drain the fish from the marinade and spread on a baking tray.   Toss the mushrooms in the marinade and scatter round the fish, drizzle over any remaining marinade.   Roast in the oven for 8 – 10 minutes until the fish is tender and the mushrooms are sizzling.   Scatter with the coriander and serve



No Count

A lovely starter.

Serves 4

175g salmon fillet
1 veg stock cube
175g sliced smoked salmon
juice of ½ lemon
115g Quark
1 garlic clove, crushed
6 green peppercorns, crushed
1 tbsp chopped fresh dill
freshly ground salt & black pepper
salad leaves
lemon wedges to garnish

Poach the salmon fillet for 5 mins in a shallow pan, containing sufficient water to cover with the crumbled stock cube added.  When cooked, lift the fish from the cooking liquor and place in a bowl to cool.

Remove skin and any bones from the fish, breaking apart with a fork.  Add the lemon juice, quark, garlic, peppercorns and dill and mix well, seasoning with salt & pepper.

Place a sheet of greaseproof paper on a choppingboard and lay the smoked salmon on top, overlapping slightly to make a small rectangle shape approx 8" x 6" (20cm x 15cm)

Carefully spread the salmon mixture over, taking it right up to the edges.  Roll up from the wide edge like a swiss roll as tight as possible and then slice into 8 x 2.5cm (1") disks.

Arrange on a bed of lettuce & serve.



Almost No Count

Serves 1

No Count = ½ pt per serving

1 salmon fillet
150 ml low fat natural yogurt
½ tbsp mango chutney (½ pt)
1 level tsp milk curry powder
½ small red chilli, seeded & finely chopped
½ tbsp fresh chopped coriander
salt & pepper

Preheat oven Gas 6/200ºC/400ºF

Place salmon in an ovenproof dish and season on both sides with salt & pepper.

Combine remaining ingredients and spread over the salmon.

Bake for 6-8 mins until just cooked.  (May take longer if salmon fillet is thick)

Hot Tuna with Tomato & Lime Salsa

Hot Tuna with Tomato & Lime Salsa

No Count Recipe

Serves 4

4 fresh tuna steaks

4 tbsp light soy sauce
zest & juice of 2 limes
1 small red chilli, seeded & finely chopped
1 x 2.5 cm (1") piece fresh ginger, peeled & finely chopped
salt & pepper

6 ripe tomatoes
1 lime
1 tbsp chooped fresh chives
1 tbsp balsamic vinegar
salt & pepper

Combine all the marinade ingredients and pour over the tuna steaks.  Leave to marinade for 20 mins.

Make the salsa.  Skin the tomatoes, remove the seeds, chop the flesh and place in a bowl.  Stir in the chives, lime zest, juice and vinegar.

Preheat  George or similar grill.  Season the tuna and cook for 4-5 mins.  (Or cook on a standard grill approx 3 mins per side.

Serve the tuna hot with the salsa.

Arrabbiata Prawns

Arrabbiata Prawns 

No Count

Serves 4

Try this on a baked potato.

225g uncooked prawns
1 red onion, finely chopped
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 red pepper, seeded & finely sliced
1 x 400g tin chopped tomatoes
1 red chilli, seeded & finely chopped
8-10 basil leaves
salt & pepper.

Rinse the prawns under cold runnign water.

Preheat non stick pan and dry fry the onion for 2-3 mins until soft.  Add the garlic & red pepper and cooks for a further 2-3 mins.  Add the prawns and cook for 5-6 mins.

Add the tomatoes and chiili, bringing the sauce to a gently simmer.  The prawns should be firm and cooked through.

Season to taste, add the basil and serve.



No Count 
Serves 4

Taramasalata is a creamy dip made using smoked cod roe.  This variation used smoked salmon to create the same creamy texture with considereably less fat.

Delicious served with pitta (count 2½ pts each) or veg sticks.

115g smoked salmon
75g quark
2 tbsp virtually fat free fromage frais
juice of 1 lemon
salt & pepper.

Place all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth.  Season to taste and chill until ready to serve.




Serves 4

2 stalks of lemon grass, trimmed and split in half lengthways
4 x 115g trout fillets
1 carrot cut into thin sticks
4 spring onions, shredded
115g couscous (dry weight)
2 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
2 tbsp dark soy sauce

Place 3 of the halves of lemon grass (keeping one for later) into a small pan and pour over ½ pt (300ml) boiling water.  Cover & simmer for 5 mins.

Meanwhile cut 4 squares of greaseproof paper and place one trout fillet in the centre of each.  Divide the carrot & spring onions over each fillet with a few shreds of the reserved lemon grass.  Fold the paper over the fish to seal.

Pour boiling water into a roasting tin and lay a metal rack on top.  Place the fish onto the rack and then cover with foil or an upturned roasting tin.  Steam the fish for 15 mins.

Meanwhile place the couscous into a bowl and strain the boiling lemon grass liquid over.  Stir and cover with a cloth.  Leave 15 mins.

Stir in parsley and soy sauce into the couscous and fluff up with a fork.

Divide the couscous between 4 plates and serve with the fish.




Preparation time less than 30 mins
Cooking time 10 to 30 mins

1 garlic clove
3cm/1in piece fresh root ginger, grated
1 fresh mild red chilli, de-seeded and roughly chopped
250g/9oz fillet white fish, such as hoki, coley or cod, cubed
200g/7oz shelled raw tiger prawns
2 tbsp chopped fresh coriander
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
For the salad
1 lime, grated rind and juice only
1 tbsp light soy sauce
½ tsp fish sauce
½ tsp caster sugar
½ Chinese leaf cabbage
2 carrots
1 red onion, thinly sliced
50g/2oz beansprouts

1. Preheat the oven to 200C/400F/Gas 6.
2. Place the garlic, ginger and chilli in a food processor and whiz until finely minced.
3. Add the fish and prawns and a little salt and pepper. Finally, add the coriander and blend again (if you add it at the beginning with the ginger it will turn the mixture green).
4. Wet your hands with cold water, give them a good shake, then shape the fish and prawn mixture into 12 cakes.
5. Transfer to a lined baking sheet and cook for 15 minutes until golden and cooked through.
6. Meanwhile, stir together the lime rind and juice, soy sauce, fish sauce and caster sugar and set aside.
7. Using a mandolin or big knife, finely slice the cabbage, carrots, red onion, beansprouts and lime dressing.
8. Pile onto plates and serve with the prawn and ginger cakes.

Fresh Tuna with Ginger and Chick Peas

Fresh Tuna with Ginger and Chick Peas  

No Count

by Jenni Muir
Oriental flavours of ginger, spring onion and soy sauce add oomph to a healthy braise of comforting chick peas with seared tuna steaks

Servings: 2
Cooking Time: 15 minutes

400g canned chick peas
2 Spring onions
olive oil spray, for greasing
2 tuna steaks
2 tbsp finely chopped fresh ginger
125ml fish or chicken stock
about 2 tsp
Soy Sauce
2-3 sprigs fresh coriander

1. Tip the can of chick peas into a sieve and rinse thoroughly under cold running water. Set aside to drain. Meanwhile, finely chop the white parts of the spring onions and set them aside. Then take the green parts of the spring onions and cut them diagonally into short pieces, setting them aside separately from the white parts.

2. Heat a frying pan over a high heat. Spritz the pan with oil spray and, when it is very hot, place the tuna steaks in the pan. Sear over a high heat for 2-3 minutes each side, depending on the thickness of the steaks and how well done you like your tuna. Remove the tuna to a plate and set aside in a warm spot, covered with kitchen foil if necessary to keep it warm.

3. Add the finely chopped
ginger and white part of the spring onions to the frying pan, and lower the heat to medium. Cook, stirring frequently, for 2-3 minutes to help soften the ginger .

4. Pour in the stock, soy sauce and add the drained chick peas. Bring to a boil and simmer rapidly, stirring frequently, until most of the liquid has evaporated and the chick peas are hot through.

5. Stir the green parts of the spring onions through the braised chick peas, then season to taste with pepper and add more soy sauce if desired. Spoon the mixture over the tuna steaks and serve garnished with coriander leaves.