Monday 14 December 2020

Squash & Aubergine Curry


Squash & Aubergine Curry

From the kitchen of DRAWTAG

Servings | 4
Estimated POINTS® value per serving | 4

1 med butternut squash peeled deseeded and cut into 2-3cm cubes
1 aubergine cubed
1 green Pepper in bite size pieces
4 sticks celery chopped
2 chopped onions
2 cloves garlic &
2cm square ginger finely chopped
2 finger chillies chopped
1 tsp turmeric
2 tsp cumin
1-2 cardomon pods lightly crushed
1 tin chopped tomatoes + 1 can water
2 vegetable stock cubes
2 bayleaves
1 small bunch fresh coriander

240gms boiled white/brown rice

2 Pitta bread
garlic/celery salt

mist large saucepan with oil, fry onions & celery until soft adding a little water if necessary to stop from sticking
add ginger,garlic & finely chopped coriander stalks (reserve leaves)
plus the chillies, spices,cardomon pods and bay leaves; cook to release flavousr for 1-2 minutes.
Add squash, pepper
and aubergine cook stirring for 1 - 2 minutes
add tinned tommatoes plus 1 tin water, plus stock cubes bring to the boil then simmer gently covered for 20 minutes until squash & aubergine are cooked, checking occaisionally to make sure it is not sticking, add a little more water if necessary

Meanwhile cook 240gms white or brown rice in slightly salted water
to serve mist 2 pitta bread with oil sprinkle with garlick/celery salt and grill lightly cut each in half to serve
chop coriander leaves roughly and sprinkle over vegetable curry

This curry improves with keeping and can be prepared the day before,do not add the coriander leaves, leave curry to cool then refrigerate, reheat gently while cooking the rice add the coriander leaves when serving

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