Monday 14 December 2020

Spicy Beans in Tomato Sauce

Spicy Beans in Tomato Sauce

Serves 4


3½ pts per serving full choice


Free on no count


400g tin chopped Tomatoes
400g Chick peas
400g Kidney Beans
400g cannellini Beans
1 tbl sp tom puree
1-2 tea sp hot chilli powder
1 teaspoon ground cumin
1-2 cloves garlic
1/2 pint veg stock or Chick stock for non vegetarian
Salt and Pepper


Mix all beans together in large oven proof dish and microwave covered for 2 minutes
Add tomatoes, chilli powder, ground cumin, garlic, tom puree and stock.
Mix together, season with salt and pepper
Cook in a pre-heated oven 200 degrees covered for 10 minutes, then 5 minutes uncovered
(Add 1tbl sp low fat cheese pp)
Serve with rice, pitta pockets

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