Monday 14 December 2020

Creamy Mushroom Risotto

Creamy Mushroom Risotto

Servings | 1
Estimated POINTS® value per serving | 7

For No Count: 1 pt for the vermouth if extra light philly is used


100ml Vermouth (1pt)
2oz Risotto Rice
½ tub low fat Boursin Cheese (or extra light philly for no count)
½pt Veg Stock
1 Red Onion
250g Mixed Mushrooms


Chop the onion quite small and place in saucepan with crushed garlic and a small amount of the veg stock and lightly cook.

Add the Mushrooms roughly chopped.

Then add the Risotto Rice and stir well. Add the glass of Vermouth and stir again and allow to reduce.

Then a small bit at a time add the Veg Stock, cover the pan and stir occasionally until all liquid added.

Takes Approx 20 mins. Then add the soft Cheese and the parsley and stir throughly and heat through.

Serve in bowl with Green salad if you wish.


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