Monday 14 December 2020




No Count

4oz polenta ( cornmeal)
50 grms extra light philly ( garlic and herb is best)
2 tabs chopped fresh parsley
2 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme
1 teasp chopped fresh rosemary
Season to taste

Bring 3 cups of water to the boil gradually add polenta and stir constantly over medium hreat untilmixture comes back to the boil and thickend ( adjust water as necessary). Reduce the heat and cook - stirring well - for 20 minutes until polenta comes away from the side of the pan. Stir in all the other ingredients.
Line a swiss roll tin with foil or clingfilm and spray well with Frylight, pour in mixture and smooth surface.
Chill for 2 hour or until set.
Turn out solid block and cut into squares or with scone cutter. Coat lightly with dry polenta and cook for 4 minutes on each side taking care not to break cakes.


Lovely with chargrilled peppers

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