Monday 14 December 2020




Almost No Count


Serves 4


4½ pts for the whole recipe, 1 pt per portion on no count


450g fresh pumpkin, peeled and diced

2 tbsp red wine (½ pt)

2 tsp mixed spice

2 eggs

3½ tbsp dark brown sugar (3pts)

1 level tbsp self raising flour (1pt)

300ml skimmed milk

1 tsp vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 200ºC/400ºF/Gas 6


Spray 4 individual ramekin dishes or an ovenproof dish with frylight.


Place the pumpkin in the bottom of a pan and add 2 tbsp water.  Cook over a low heat for 10 mins to soften the pumpkin, adding more water if required.


When the pumpkin is soft, stir in the red wine and continue cooking until the wine is absorbed.


In a mixing bowl, beat together the spice, eggs and sugar  until thick and creamy.  Gradually blend in the flour to a smooth paste, adding a little milk if necessary.  Stir in the cooked pumpkin.


Heat the milk with the vanilla in a small pan until near boiling.


Slowly pour the milk onto the pumpkin batter, stirring continuously.  Sppon the batter into the prepared dish or dishes.  Stand the dishes in a roasting tin and pour sufficient boiling water into the tin to come halfway up the sides of the dish or dishes.  Bake in the oven for 25-30 mins until set.


Serve warm with low fat fromage frais.


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