Monday 14 December 2020




No Count Recipe


Serves 2


small onion diced

1 veg stock cube, made up with 60 ml water

1 medium apple, peeled cored & grated

1 carrot, grated

2 tbsp tomato puree

2 tbsp cider vinegar

½ tsp dry mustard

¼ tsp dried basil

pinch cumin

salt & pepper to taste

1 x 400g tin red kidney beans


Heat oven Gas 4/350ºF/180ºC


Put onion and stock in a pan, bring to the boil and cook for 5 min until softened.  Add apple and carrot and cook for 2-3 mins.  Add tomato puree, vinegar, mustard, basil, cumin, salt & pepper and beans and mix well.  Pour into a casserole dish, cover and bake 45 mins.

Originally from 1982

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