Monday 14 December 2020

Apple Rice Pudding


Apple Rice Pudding


For full choice 7½ pts the whole thing


I made it in the steamer, though I'm sure you can do it in the oven, or even in a pan on the top of the stove.

100g pudding rice,

1 pt skimmed milk,

1 grated eating apple,

cinnamon and splenda.

Put it all together in the rice cooker bit of the steamer. It takes 75 mins in my steamer.


You can also do this without apple...I've made it with just a couple of crushed cardamom pods in.

Sweet Potato Pudding

 Sweet Potato Pudding


(4-6 portions)

2 large orange sweet potatoes (about 1 kg)
4 eggs
Sweetener (to replace 140 g soft brown sugar)
1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg
large pinch ground cloves
1/4 teaspoon ground allspice
1 cup (250 ml) milk

Peel and chop the orange sweet potatoes into even-sized pieces. Steam or microwave for 10-15 minutes, or until tender (don't boil in lots of water or your mash will be too wet). Mash well until smooth, then leave to cool.
Preheat the oven to 180°C (350°F, Gas 4). Spray a 1,5 litre ovenproof dish with low fat cooking spray.
Whisk the eggs and sweetener in a large bowl until thick and pale. Stir in the spices, milk and sweet potato until well combined. Pour into the dish.
Bake the pudding for 45-50 minutes, or until a skewer inserted into the centre comes out clean. Serve hot.

Chocolate mousse with nut 'n' cherry topping


Chocolate mousse with nut 'n' cherry topping

POINTS® value | 3
Servings | 4
Try these simple cup cakes for a delicious chocolate treat

4 cup Concept Foods Chocolate Dessert Cup
220 g low-fat chocolate mousse, 4 x 55g (2 oz) diet
1 portion hazelnuts, 4 tsp roasted, chopped
1/8 tub glace cherries, 2, halved

Place a dessert cup on a serving plate and fill each one with the contents of one tub of chocolate mousse.

Sprinkle with the roasted chopped hazelnuts and top each with a halved glacé cherry. Serve.

Cottage Cheese hotcakes

Cottage Cheese hotcakes


no count

225g/8oz cottage cheese
170ml/6fl oz skimmed milk
4 eggs, separated
140g/5oz porridge oats
1 tsp baking powder
a pinch salt
couple handfuls blueberries
splenda to taste

Place cottage cheese, milk and egg yolks in a mixing bowl and mix to combine. Put oats, baking powder and salt into a bowl. Add to the cottage cheese mixture and mix until just combined.
3. Place egg whites in a clean dry bowl and beat until stiff peaks form. Fold egg whites through batter in two batches, with a large metal spoon. Stir in the blueberries the same way.
4. Spray fry lite on a large non-stick frying pan with a small portion of the butter and drop two tablespoons of batter per hotcake into the pan (don't cook more than three per batch).
5. Cook over low to medium heat for two minutes, or until hotcakes have golden undersides. Turn hotcakes and cook on the other side until golden and cooked through.
6. Sprinkle with sweetner.

Could serve with a v.low fat yoghurt.
Or strawberries on top





1 Tbsp instant coffee
1 Tbsp hot water
1 Cup Oats
3 Tbsp unsweetened cocoa. (2pts to be counted here)
2 Medium overripe bananas
15g  splenda
3 large eggs
1 tsp vanilla extract.

In large bowl put coffee and hot water. Stir until dissolved.
Measure oats into pint measuring jug and stir in cocoa until thoroughly mixed. set aside.
Break up bananas and add to coffee in bowl,mash with fork until pulpy. Crack in eggs one at a time and stir in well with fork. Stir in oats mixture with the Splenda.
Spray 8" nonstick baking pan with frylite. Scrape cake batter into pan.
Bake in preheated oven 350deg for 20min.
Let cool

(Personally I use ~3/4 cup (15g) splenda and ~1.5 tbsp coffee because I find the above version a bit too sweet... adapt to your own taste!)



Fresh Egg Custard is a tricky little number to make !!!
If you are not careful you tend up with something resembling scrambled egg rather than custard, but it is worth the effort and lovely on steamed fruit pudding etc.

300 ml skimmed milk
2 medium egg yolks
2 dessertspoons sweetener
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essence
Warm milk ( don't boil)
In a pudding basin beat yolks, sweetener and vanilla together, pour on the warm milk stirring well.
But bowl on top of pan of hot water and keep beating until the custard thickens.
(You can see now why they made custard mix)



Serving Size : 8

7 large apples
12 ounces cranberries -- fresh (1 bag)
3/4 cup Splenda (15g)
3/4 cup rolled oats  (75g)
1 tablespoon nonfat yogurt -- plain, Greek style
cooking spray

Core and slice some apples, toss in a bag of cranberries. Mix into a baking dish.

For topping, 3/4 c splenda, 3/4 cup regular rolled oats, and a tablespoon or two of ff greek yogurt. You want it like a dough.

Roll the dough out between some sheets of wax paper with a bit of spray pam on it, put over the top of the crisp, bake at 350 for 40 minutes or so, but watch the top doesn't burn


Pecan Pie

Pecan Pie


POINTS® Value: 5.5
Servings:  8


Creating a lighter version of the pie crust for this sweet, gooey dessert - packed with flavour but trimmed of Points values.




8 sheet filo pastry


1 spray low-fat cooking spray


110 g pecan nuts, chopped lengthwise into 3 pieces each


4 portion egg white, lightly beaten


130 g light brown sugar


55 g polyunsaturated margarine


115 g syrup


2 tablespoon polyunsaturated margarine, melted


Preheat oven to Gas Mark 4/360°F/175°C. Lightly coat a 9-inch (23 cm) round baking pan with cooking spray.

Cut filo sheets in half diagonally to form 2 equal-size triangles. Place 1 sheet in prepared pan, lightly spray with cooking spray, and top with another sheet of filo, placing corners just to the right of previous corners. Repeat with remaining sheets, so you're covering the pan with a fan of filo. Bake until lightly browned, about 10 minutes.

Reduce oven temperature to Gas Mark 3/325°F/165°C. Combine filling ingredients in medium bowl; pour into crust. Bake, uncovered, about 35 minutes or until firm. Cover halfway through baking process if crust becomes too brown. Cool in pan.





No Count


Serves 4


1 x sugar free raspberry jelly

125g punnet raspberries

3 x 200g Mullerlight raspberry & cranberry yogurts


Dissolve the jelly in 300ml boiling water, then add 150ml cold water.


Press the raspberries through a sieve, trying to extract as much puree as possible.  Whisk this puree through the jelly.  Refrigerate until beginning to set, whisking a few times to keep the jelly at an even consistency.


Spoon the jelly into 4 glasses and add the yogurt.  Swirl together then return to the fridge to set.




Almost No Count


Serves 4


4½ pts for the whole recipe, 1 pt per portion on no count


450g fresh pumpkin, peeled and diced

2 tbsp red wine (½ pt)

2 tsp mixed spice

2 eggs

3½ tbsp dark brown sugar (3pts)

1 level tbsp self raising flour (1pt)

300ml skimmed milk

1 tsp vanilla extract


Preheat oven to 200ÂşC/400ÂşF/Gas 6


Spray 4 individual ramekin dishes or an ovenproof dish with frylight.


Place the pumpkin in the bottom of a pan and add 2 tbsp water.  Cook over a low heat for 10 mins to soften the pumpkin, adding more water if required.


When the pumpkin is soft, stir in the red wine and continue cooking until the wine is absorbed.


In a mixing bowl, beat together the spice, eggs and sugar  until thick and creamy.  Gradually blend in the flour to a smooth paste, adding a little milk if necessary.  Stir in the cooked pumpkin.


Heat the milk with the vanilla in a small pan until near boiling.


Slowly pour the milk onto the pumpkin batter, stirring continuously.  Sppon the batter into the prepared dish or dishes.  Stand the dishes in a roasting tin and pour sufficient boiling water into the tin to come halfway up the sides of the dish or dishes.  Bake in the oven for 25-30 mins until set.


Serve warm with low fat fromage frais.


Butternut Squash & Barley Stew

Butternut Squash & Barley Stew

Servings 2
Estimated POINTS value per serving 1.5 (full choice)

1 large butternut squash, peeled and chopped into 1cm pieces
2 red peppers, chopped into 1cm pieces
1 large onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
60 grams pearl barley
1.5 pints of vegetable stock (preferably made from Marigold Bouillon powder)
3 tablespoons of tomato passata
Frylite cooking spray

Spray liberally with Frylite and roast the chopped BNS and red pepper in a hot oven for 20 minutes until soft. Remove from oven and put to one side.
Fry chopped onion and garlic in frylite until soft. Stir in the pearl barley and roasted veggies for a couple of minutes.

Then add stock and passata and leave to simmer for 25 minutes, until the barley is plump and soft, and the mixture is quite thick.

This is a really filling, low point veggie meal I invented while trying to make soup! It makes two very generous portions, or could stretch to 3-4 people as a side dish.

It is real comfort food and delicious served with jacket or mashed potato; topped with grilled veggie or meat sausages; or mopped up with some nice crusty bread. Remember to add extra points for these things though!

You could also use other no point veg, such as leeks, aubergine, courgettes and mushrooms, although you probably don't need to roast these first. Also, you may need more stock on hand if you increase the amount of veg you use. Some herbs and spices, whatever you like or have lying around, would be good too.

Pearl barley is a wonderful grain with more fibre than brown rice, and makes a nice change to rice. I have taken a portion of this to work for a very filling lunch for just 1.5 points. 

Squash & Aubergine Curry


Squash & Aubergine Curry

From the kitchen of DRAWTAG

Servings | 4
Estimated POINTS® value per serving | 4

1 med butternut squash peeled deseeded and cut into 2-3cm cubes
1 aubergine cubed
1 green Pepper in bite size pieces
4 sticks celery chopped
2 chopped onions
2 cloves garlic &
2cm square ginger finely chopped
2 finger chillies chopped
1 tsp turmeric
2 tsp cumin
1-2 cardomon pods lightly crushed
1 tin chopped tomatoes + 1 can water
2 vegetable stock cubes
2 bayleaves
1 small bunch fresh coriander

240gms boiled white/brown rice

2 Pitta bread
garlic/celery salt

mist large saucepan with oil, fry onions & celery until soft adding a little water if necessary to stop from sticking
add ginger,garlic & finely chopped coriander stalks (reserve leaves)
plus the chillies, spices,cardomon pods and bay leaves; cook to release flavousr for 1-2 minutes.
Add squash, pepper
and aubergine cook stirring for 1 - 2 minutes
add tinned tommatoes plus 1 tin water, plus stock cubes bring to the boil then simmer gently covered for 20 minutes until squash & aubergine are cooked, checking occaisionally to make sure it is not sticking, add a little more water if necessary

Meanwhile cook 240gms white or brown rice in slightly salted water
to serve mist 2 pitta bread with oil sprinkle with garlick/celery salt and grill lightly cut each in half to serve
chop coriander leaves roughly and sprinkle over vegetable curry

This curry improves with keeping and can be prepared the day before,do not add the coriander leaves, leave curry to cool then refrigerate, reheat gently while cooking the rice add the coriander leaves when serving

Lemon and basil pasta

Lemon and basil pasta

From the kitchen of SARN52

Servings | 1
Estimated POINTS® value per serving | 4.5

60g pasta
1 lemon
handful of fresh basil leaves
black pepper
1 tbsp parmesan cheese

Cook pasta till just tender and drain. Add the basil leaves and stir through the pasta. Add the grated zest and the juice from the lemon. Season well with black pepper and stir again. Serve on bed of green leaves and garnish with the parmesan.

Tofu Burgers


Tofu Burgers


No Count recipe


1 lb firm tofu, mashed

100g oats or oatmeal

2 tbsp onion powder

1½ tbsp chopped fresh parsley

1 tsp salt

½ tsp basil

½ tsp oregano

½ tsp garlic powder


Mix all together and shape into 8 burgers.  Spray a fry pan with spray oil and cook the burgers until golden brown.



Variation, add chilli powder and/or fresh chillies

Plain Chow Mein


Plain Chow Mein

No Count

Serves 4 – 6

200g egg noodles
100g bean sprouts
1 medium onion
2 tbsp dark soy sauce

Prepare the noodles according to the packet instructions.
Wash the bean sprouts to remove the ‘earthy’ taste.
Thinly slice the onion.

Heat a wok and spray with Fry-Lite. Stir-fry the onion and bean sprouts for 2-3 minutes, add the noodles and soy sauce and stir-fry until heated through.


Aubergine & Red Lentil Curry


Aubergine & Red Lentil Curry 

No Count


1 onion chopped
1 clove of garlic
1/2tsp salt
1 tbsp tumeric powder
1 aubergine chopped
6oz of red split lentils (175g)
1pt of veg stock
1 tin of chopped tomatoes

spray the saucepan with spray oil and add the garlic and onion and cook for 2 mins

add the tumeric powder and keep stiring
add the aubergine, salt lentils and stock - bring to the boil and then simmer for 20 mins but stir occassionally as the lentils may stick. if after 20 mins the lentils are not soft enough rapid boil for 5 mins

Add the chopped tomatoes and heat through.

You can freeze this, it serves 4 people and its lovely on a bed of green beans instead of rice.

Vegetable Tagine


Vegetable Tagine

No Count
4 servings

Spray Fry light
1 onion, cut in chunks
2 carrots, cut in chunks
1 Medium Sized Butternut Squash cut in chunks
2 Parsnips, cut in chunks
2 cloves garlic, chopped
1 teaspoon ground turmeric
1 tablespoon ground coriander
1 teaspoon cumin seeds
1 teaspoon ground cinnamon
I and ¼ pint of vegetable stock
Standard size tin of chickpeas
salt and pepper
Fresh coriander

100grms couscous

In a large pot heat the oil and saute the onion, carrots, Squash, Parsnip for about 10 minutes on a low/medium heat.

With a pestle and mortar bash the garlic, and cumin seeds to bring out the flavour.

Add the garlic, turmeric, ground coriander, cumin seeds and ground cinnamon, stir and cook for 5 more minutes. Add the stock and bring to a boil. Turn burner down to a simmer for
30 –35 minutes.

10 minutes before the end of the cooking time, add the tinned chickpeas.

Serve tagine and couscous with a sprinkling of fresh coriander

Tasty cheese & onion pizza


Tasty cheese & onion pizza

servings |  4

Points per serving 6


8oz plain white flour
I packet fast-action yeast
1 tsp artificial sweetener
pinch salt
1/4 pint warm water
80g reduced fat cheddar (grated) or low fat mozzarella (sliced)
1/2 cooking onion, chopped
1 pepper (any colour) de-seeded
1/2 courgette, sliced
1 clove of garlic, crushed
200g tinned tomatoes
1 tsp tomato puree
1 tbsp mixed herbs
cherry tomatoes halved, to garnish
20 pumps of spray light olive oil
Salt and pepper, to season


First, mix the yeast and sweetener with the warm water, leave for 15 minutes. Meanwhile sift the flour and salt into a large bowl. After the 15 minutes have elapsed pour the water mixture into the flour, gently mixing with a wooden spoon and/or fingers. kneed the mixture for around 10 minutes until a soft dough is formed. Place the ball of dough into a bowl and cover with cling film. Place in a warm cupboard for up to an hour. Meanwhile, prepare the topping. Gently fry the courgette, pepper, onion and garlic in water for around 15 minutes or until soft. Slowly add the tinned tomatoes and puree, a little salt and herbs. Cover with a lid and leave to cook on a very low heat for 15-20 minutes, then leave to cool. Then check on the dough. Unwrap the dough (it should have risen in size) and beat it back into a smaller ball. Re-cover and leave for a further 30 minutes. Then, unwrap the dough. Split into two smaller balls. Roll out one of the balls on a floured worksurface into a round shape around 1mm thick. On a gently spray oiled pizza oven plate mould the dough into place. Then, cover with the tomato mixture, sprinkle with half the grated cheese (40g) add sliced tomatoes, spray with 5 more pumps of oil. Repeat this with the other dough ball so you have two 'giant' pizzas. Each pizza is worth around 12 points, so half a pizza is six points. Cook the pizzas at around 200c for around 15 minutes. Serve with a delicious side salad.  






No Count Recipe


Serves 2


small onion diced

1 veg stock cube, made up with 60 ml water

1 medium apple, peeled cored & grated

1 carrot, grated

2 tbsp tomato puree

2 tbsp cider vinegar

½ tsp dry mustard

¼ tsp dried basil

pinch cumin

salt & pepper to taste

1 x 400g tin red kidney beans


Heat oven Gas 4/350ÂşF/180ÂşC


Put onion and stock in a pan, bring to the boil and cook for 5 min until softened.  Add apple and carrot and cook for 2-3 mins.  Add tomato puree, vinegar, mustard, basil, cumin, salt & pepper and beans and mix well.  Pour into a casserole dish, cover and bake 45 mins.

Originally from 1982







Adapted from an old WW recipe.


350g potato, thinly sliced

1 onion, thinly sliced

300g extra light soft cheese  (plain or flavoured ...up to you) eg Philly extra light  or quark

¼ pt skimmed milk.


Mix cheese and milk until a smooth sauce is made.

Layer potato, onion and cheese in an oven proof casserole dish.  Finish with potato.  Spray with fry light.

Bake 1¼-1½ hrs Gas 4/180ÂşC/350ÂşF





No Count


Serves 4


1 onion, sliced

2 cloves garlic, finely chopped

2 tsp ground coriander

1 tsp ground cumin

1 tsp ground turmeric

225g chestnut mushrooms, halved

190ml veg stock

450g tomatoes, cut into wedges

400g can chick peas, drained

3 tbsp chopped fresh coriander

200g basmati rice (raw weight)


Cook the rice according to instructions on pack.


Spray a pan with frylight oil and cool onion and garlic gently for about 3 mins or until soft. 


Stir in the spices and cook for 1 minute before adding the other ingredients.


bring to the boil and simmer gently for 10 mins.


Serve with the cooked rice and garnish with the chopped coriander

Originally posted by NOYOYO on the WW boards,




No count


Serves 4


500ml boiling water

250g wholegrain rice (dry weight)

1 veg stock cube

2 tbsp tomato puree

4 plum tomatoes, sliced or chopped

4 tbsp tomato passata ot tomato juice

4 garlic cloves, chopped

50g black olives in brine (drained)

6 sprigs fresh rosemary


Bring the water to the boil and add the rice and stock cube, tomatoes, puree and garlic,.

Cover and reduce the heat to a simmer. Cook 10 mins.  After 5 mins add the olives and the leaves from 2 of the sprigs of rosemary.  Stir gently and cover until cooked.


Serve hot, garnished with a sprig of rosemary.


Sprinkle with parmesan if desired ......count points for this though.





No Count


Serves 4


225g dry weight pasta

1 veg stock cube

1 red onion, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, crushed

1 red pepper, seeded & finely sliced

1 x 400g tin chopped tomateos

1 red chilli, seeded & finely chopped

salt & pepper


Cook the pasta as directed on the pack, adding a stock cube to the water for more flavour.


In a non-stick pan, dry fry the onion for 2-3 min until soft.  Add the garlic & red pepper and cook a further 2-3 min.  Add the tomatoes & chilli and bring to a gently simmer.  Season to taste.


Drain the pasta and serve the sauce over it.



If you want to make the sauce more creamy, add some virtually fat free fromage frais.

Tagliatelle with Mushroom Pesto


Tagliatelle with Mushroom Pesto  

No count


Serves 4


225g tagliatelle pasta (dry weight)

1 veg stock cube

1 medium onion, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, crushed

115g fresh chestnut mushrooms

150ml veg stock

1 tbsp fresh chopped herbs

2 tbsp virtually fat free fromage frais

salt & pepper


Cook the tagliatelle in a pan of boiling water with the stock cube added for extra flavour.

In a non-stick pan, dry fry the onion and garlic until soft.  Add the mushrooms, cooking until they soften.  Add the stock and herbs.

Pour into a blender and blend until smooth.  Place in a small pan and heat gently, seasoning with salt & pepper to taste.

Drain the pasta and pour into a serving dish.

Remove the sauce from the heat and stir in the fromage frais.  Sppon onto the pasta and serve.


If you want, you can garnish with 1 tbsp parmesan cheese, but you will need to count points for this.....1½ pts per tbsp

Springtime Noodles


Springtime Noodles  

No Count


Serves 4


115g fine rice noodles (dry weight)

2 veg stock cubes

1 red onion, finely chopped

2 garlic cloves, crushed

115g baby asparagus

115g sugar snap peas

115g fine beans

salt & pepper


Place the noodles in a large bowl containing the stock cubes and cover with boiling water.

In a non-stick pan or wok, dry fry the onion and garlic until soft.  Add the asparagus, peas and beans.  Cook quickly over a moderate heat for 8-10 mins, stirring gently.  When the veg a re just cooked, drain the noodles and add to the pan.  Season.


Serve hot.


Add 1 tbsp parmesan cheese if you want...but count the points  1½ pts per tbsp

Courgette Curry

Courgette Curry   

No Count

1.5lbs courgettes
½ tsp cumin seeds
½ tsp mustard seeds
1 onion, thinly sliced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
¼ tsp ground turmeric
¼ tsp chilli powder
1 tsp ground coriander
1 tspground cumin
½ tsp salt
1 tbsp tomato puree
400g can chopped tomatoes
¼ pint water
1 tbsp chopped fresh corainder
1 tsp garam masala

1. Trim the ends from the courgettes then cut into 1cm thick slices.

2.  Fry the cumin and mustard seeds for 2 mins until they begin to splutter.

3. Add the onion and garlic and fry for about 5-6 minutes.

4. Add the turmeric, chilli powder, coriander, cumin and salt and fry for about 2-3 minutes.

5. Add the sliced courgettes all at once, and cook for about 5 minutes.

6. Mix together the tomato puree and chopped tomatoes and add to the saucepan with the water. Cover and simmer for 10 minutes until the sauce thickens. Stir in the fresh coriander and garam masala, then cook for 5 minutes or until the courgettes are tender.






Serves 4


115g each diced marrow, cucumber & yam

½ tsp ground turmeric

1 tbsp ginger, cut into thin strips

pinch chilli powder

2 green chillies, cut lengthways

pinch salt

115ml water

pinch black mustard seeds

pinch fenugreek

pinch asafoetida (optional)

10 curry leaves

225g natural yogurt


Put the marrow, cucumber, yam, turmeric, ginger, chilli powder and chillies in a pan.  Add the salt and water and simmer, uncovered until the water evaporates.


Dry fry the mustard seeds until they pop and then add the fenugreek, asafoetida, curry leaves and another pinch of salt. Fry for a few minutes and then add to the vegetables.  Remove from the heat and add the yogurt.  Serve.



If you can't find yam, use diced potato, use courgettes instead of marrow.


Asafoetida is found in Asian stores.

From the WW boards

Pasta Bake with Cherry Tomatoes


Pasta Bake with Cherry Tomatoes  

No Count


Serves 4

250 g dried pasta, any type, – use spirals
2 small tub low-fat soft cheese
2 large egg(s)
4 tablespoon skimmed milk
1 pinch salt
1/8 teaspoon pepper, freshly ground
1 level teaspoon mustard, English
16 portion cherry tomatoes
15 g cornflakes, crushed

1. Preheat oven to 190°C / fan oven 170°C / Gas Mark 5.
2. Cook the pasta in plenty of boiling, lightly salted water for 10 - 12 minutes, or according to pack instructions, until tender.
3. Beat together the low fat soft cheese, eggs and milk. Season with salt, pepper and mustard.
4. Drain the pasta and tip it into a baking dish with a capacity of about 1.5 litres (2 3/4 pints), or use individual baking dishes. Pour in the cheese mixture and stir well. Scatter the tomatoes on top.
5. Bake for 15 minutes, then sprinkle with the crushed cornflakes. Bake for another 10-15 minutes until set and golden brown.
Use a tubular pasta such as penne or rigatoni instead of spirals.






(Makes 16 cakes, serving 8)

2 1/2 lb potatoes -- scrubbed & halved
12 cloves garlic -- peeled
3 tbsp cornmeal, + more for dredge   ( ie polenta) or semolina
2 tbsp fresh parsley -- chopped
1 large egg and 1 large egg yolk
2 tbsp skimmed milk
fry light
Salt and freshly ground black pepper -- to taste

Place potatoes and garlic in a large pot of salted water. Bring to a simmer over medium heat and cook until the potatoes are just tender, about 20 minutes.

Drain and return the potatoes and garlic to the pot. Add cornmeal and parsley and coarsely mash everything together.

In a small bowl, whisk egg, egg yolk, milk and 2 or 3 good squirts of Fry Light. Stir the mixture into the potatoes. Season with salt and pepper. Spread the potatoes out on a large plate, cover and refrigerate. Chill at least 1 hour or up to 4 hours.

Preheat the oven to 450°F (or alternatively use the Grill) and place rack on lower third of oven.   Form the chilled potatoes into 16 cakes. Put about 1/4 cup cornmeal in a shallow dish; dredge the potato cakes in the cornmeal and transfer to a tray.

If cooking the potato cakes on the grill, place two thicknesses of aluminium foil on the rack. Spray the foil with fry right. Set the potato cakes on the foil and cook until well-browned on both sides, about 6 minutes per side. (If cooking potato cakes in the oven, spray a non-stick baking sheet. Bake in the lower third of the oven until well-browned on the bottom, about 10 minutes. Turn over and bake until browned on the second side, about 10 minutes longer.)






3 courgettes, roughly chopped
1 aubergine,roughly chopped
1 red pepper,roughly chopped
1 yellow pepper, roughly chopped
1 red onion, roughly chopped
½ bunch fresh mint, chopped
300g 0% fat Greek Yogurt
2 eggs lightly beaten

Preheat oven to gas mark 6/200C (190 C in a fan oven)
In a large roasting tin arrange all the vegs - make sure that they have lots of room so that they roast rather than steam. Spray with frylight and sprinkle with salt & pepper cook for 15 - 20 minutes until they begin tochar.
Turn oven down to gas 5/190C ( 180 C fan oven).
Tip roasted vegetables into a shallow ovenproof dish stir through the mint.
Whisk yogurts and eggs together and pour over the vegetables.
Bake for 40 - 45 mins until the egg mixture is set and golden.





1 medium onion, finely chopped
2 clove garlic, crushed
350 g Quorn mince
175 g mushrooms, sliced
400 g canned tomatoes, chopped
1 stock cube,   vegetable, dissolved in 150ml boiling water
2 teaspoon dried mixed herbs
1 portion aubergine, sliced
400 g potato, par-boiled and sliced
1 medium egg
100 g low-fat soft cheese EG EXTRA LIGHT PHILLY
150 g 0% fat Greek yogurt
1 pinch salt
1 teaspoon pepper

Preheat the oven to Gas Mark 5 / 190°C/ 375°F.

Dry fry the onion, garlic and minced quorn in a large saucepan for about 5 - 6 minutes, until browned.

Add the mushrooms, tomatoes, stock and herbs. Bring up to the boil, then reduce the heat and simmer for 10 minutes without a lid.

Spoon half the mince mixture into a large ovenproof baking dish. Cover with the aubergine slices. Spread over the remaining mince, then arrange the sliced potatoes on top in an overlapping layer.

Beat together the egg, soft cheese and yogurt. Season, then spread over the potatoes. Bake for about 45 minutes, until the topping is set and golden brown.





4 Potatoes
2 Onions
1 Butternut squash
2 Veg Stock cubes made up

I sliced them all then layered in alternate layers then poured over the veg stock and baked in the oven on 160 (fan oven) for about 45 mins, until top layer crispy.

If you wish to use points you could cheese on the top. 

Cheesy garlic mushrooms

Cheesy garlic mushrooms

It's a great starter, only 1.5 points per serving. This is for 4 people:

10 large cup shaped field mushrooms,preferably portabello
200g philly light with garlic and herbs
4 cherry toms chopped
2 tablespoon soy sauce
small bunch of fresh parsley chopped
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 180/fan oven 160.
Remove stalks from 8 of the mushrooms. Chop the stalks along with the 2 whole mushrooms finely and place in a bowl with all the other ingredients, leaving a bit of parsley to garnish. Mix it all together with a wooden spoon.
Place the 8 destalked mushrooms cup side up in a baking dish.
Pile the mixture into each mushroom and bake for 20 mins, then serve scattered with the rest of the parsley




No Count

1 Large aubergine trimmed and cut into strips,
225g of cherry tomatoes,
spray oil,
225g of penne pasta,
1 crushed garlic clove,
small bunch of chopped parsley
salt and pepper to taste

Lightly spray the aubergine slices and tomatoes with oil.
Cook on a hot ridged cast iron grill pan for about five minutes until tender and slightly charred. Alternatively grill till tender.
Meanwhile, cook penne in a large pan of salted water until ready. Drain. Mix with aubergines and tomatoes and top of with garlic and parsley season and serve immediately






2 large onions, chopped
2 cloves garlic
2 sticks celery, chopped
3 medium carrots, chopped
2 peppers, chopped
1 big tin of chopped tomatoes
250/9oz brown lentils
1 tbsp tomato puree or passata
1 bay leaf
Sprig thyme

Lasagne sheets

1 big tub of quark
Grated LF cheese
Salt, pepper, nutmeg

Cook the veg & herbs in the chopped tomatoes. If you have time, let it simmer for 2-3 hours. Add lentils and enough water to cover and simmer until lentils are cooked.

Make white sauce from 1 tub of quark, grated LF cheese, salt and pepper.

Use a large oven proof shallow dish. Put into the bottom some lentil mixture then pasta sheets, then sauce. Repeat finishing with the white sauce (you can add an egg to the quark here). Cover with cheese and bake in the oven for 20 minutes on 190C/375F/gas 5 until bubbling and brown






4 medium potatoes cut into large chunks
2 tins of chickpeas
2 medium onions chopped finely
2tsp garam Masala
3tsp curry powder
1tsp turmeric powder
1tsp cumin seeds
2 pods of garlic crushed
1tsp fresh ginger roots grated
fry light spray
1/2 tin of tomatoes
1/2 tsp of chilli powder
1/2 pint of water

Put onions cumin seeds in non stick pan add fry light and cook till brown.
Add garlic, ginger then fry for 2 min.   Add all spices then tomatoes tin cook again for about 5min on low heat.   Add potatoes and a 1/2 pint water cook 10 mins.
Then add chick peas cook till potatoes are cooked watching the water at all times.
Sprinkle with fresh coriander.



No count
Simply throw some pasta into a pan, add a can of campbells Condensed celery soup, half fill the soup can with skimmed milk and add to pan. Throw in some frozen mixed vegetables and some mixed herbs ( or an Italian Oxo), cook until pasta is soft but firm, season to taste and serve

Kritharaki Yiouvetsi – Orzo Pasta


Kritharaki Yiouvetsi – Orzo Pasta


Whole Recipe 2 points

250g Orzo Pasta (shaped like large rice grains)
1.5 litre of stock
2 onions finely chopped
2-3 cloves of garlic finely chopped
3 ripe tomatoes grated
1 tsp canderel
1 tsp salt
freshly ground pepper
20g light Halloumi  (1pt) or regular halloumi (2pts)

Cook the pasta as per the instructions on the packet.
Fry the onions in frylight then add the tomatoes, garlic. Tomatoes, canderel, salt and pepper and cook for 10 minutes.
Drain the pasta and add the tomato mixture stirring well.   Transfer to an ovenproof dish and sprinkle the halloumi over the top.   Put the dish in a very hot oven until the Halloumi goes golden brown.


Rice Pilaff with Chick Peas (Nohutlu Pilav)


Rice Pilaff with Chick Peas (Nohutlu Pilav)


whole recipe 1 point for no count

150g chick peas soaked overnight
200g rice
half a litre of chicken stock to which you add the cumin, fennel and cardamom.
2 teaspoons half fat butter (1pt)
1 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp fennel seeds
1 tsp ground cardamom.

Wash and drain the rice.   Put the chick peas into a large saucepan and cover them with water, add some salt bring to the boil then cover and simmer for 1.5 hours until they are soft.

Drain the chick peas add the butter to the pan and fry for one minute add in the chick peas and mix.   Add the hot chicken stock, bring to the boil the cover and simmer for 20 minutes until all the water is absorbed and the grains are soft.

Spanish style baked spaghetti

Spanish style baked spaghetti

Servings | 4
Points 4.5

To make this no count use frylight instead of oil

1 medium onion(s)
1 tablespoon olive oil
2 medium red green or yellow pepper(s)
2 clove garlic
1 tablespoon paprika
1 portion Oxo Vegetable Cubes mixed with 500ml boiling water
500ml Tesco Italian Passata Sieved Tomatoes
350 g uncooked spaghetti


1. chop onion,peppers and garlic.
2. preheat oven to gas mark 6/200 c(190 For fan oven)
3. Soften onion in oil in ovenproof dish for 5 mins over a low heat.
4. add peppers and garlic nad cook for another 10 mins till softened.
5. stir in paprika and cook for 30 seconds.
6. add stock and passata and bring to the boil.
7. top with the broken peaces of spaghetti and press down lightly so covered with the sauce.

8. cover with a lid and place in oven cook for 20 minutes. 

Macaroni Cheese


Macaroni Cheese


POINTS® value |  7
Servings | 4

200 g uncooked pasta, (macaroni)
225 ml skimmed milk, 8 fl oz
2 level tablespoon flour
1 level tablespoon dijon mustard
1/2 teaspoon salt
1/4 teaspoon pepper, freshly ground, black
100 g cheddar cheese
3 tablespoon parmesan cheese, grated


Preheat oven to Gas Mark 4/350°F/175°C. Cook macaroni according to package instructions. Drain and keep warm.

In a large non-stick saucepan, combine milk, flour, mustard, salt and pepper. Cook, whisking constantly, until sauce thickens and comes to a boil, 3 to 4 minutes. Add cheddar in batches, stirring until cheese is melted after each addition before adding more. Stir in macaroni.

Transfer mixture to a shallow 1-quart casserole dish and sprinkle with Parmesan cheese.

Bake until golden, about 20 minutes. Increase oven temperature to grill and cook for 3 minutes more. Cool slightly before serving.




Serves 2

4.5 Syns per serving

2 medium leeks, trimmed, washed and cut into thin rounds
2 tsp. olive oil - 4 Syns
4 level tbsp. BGTY half-fat crème fraiche - 2 Syns
2 level tbsp. wholegrain mustard - 3 Syns
150g dried wholegrain penne pasta
30g mature Cheddar cheese, grated - 2 x HEX's
1 slice wholegrain bread, from 800g loaf, blitzed into breadcrumbs - 1 x HEX or 2 half HEX's

Pre-heat the oven to 190C/Gas 5.
Cook the pasta according to pack instructions, until al dente. Make sure it is not over-cooked.
Meanwhile, heat the olive oil and cook the leeks for about 10 minutes or until soft and starting to turn golden.
Stir the crème fraiche, mustard and cooked pasta into the leeks, along with two thirds of the cheese.
Season with black pepper.
Pour the mixture into an ovenproof dish, which has been sprayed with Frylight.
Mix the remaining cheese into the breadcrumbs and sprinkle evenly over the pasta mixture.
Bake in the oven for about 15 minutes or until the topping is golden.

Lovely served with a salad.

If I want it a bit more creamy/saucy, I stir in some Quark, along with the crème fraiche.








Serves 4

Total WW points 6   per serving  1½ (full choice)  free on no count


2 onions

1 clove garlic

3 red peppers, chopped

2 x 400g tin cannellini beans, drained and rinsed

2 tbsp paprika

1tsp chilli powder

400g tin chopped tomatoes

2 tbsp tomato puree


Fry onion & garlic till soft

Add everything else, cover, simmer for 30 mins. 

No Point and No Count Vegetable Chilli


No Point and No Count Vegetable Chilli

Serves 1

prep and cooking time = 20-25 mins.

Points per recipe and servings  = 0


1 small swede, cubed

250g mushrooms, sliced

1 green pepper,diced

400g can of chopped tomatoes

1 tbsp of tomato puree

1 clove of garlic, crushed

1 tsp of chilli powder


Place the ingredients in a pan and cook for 15-20 mins until the vegetables are soft and serve.

Hot Bean Pot

Hot Bean Pot


No Count


Serves 1

prep and cooking time = 25-30 mins

Points per recipe and serving  = 1 1/2 full choice


1 onion, chopped

2 cloves of garlic, chopped

A handful of chopped mushrooms

1 green or red pepper sliced

1 courgette, sliced

220g can of red kidney beans, drained

400g can chopped tomatoes

1 tsp chilli powder

1 tsp of dried basil or mixed herbs

Canned spray oil


Spray a pan with spray oil. Heat the pan and cook the onion and garlic for a couple of mins then add the rest of the ingredients. Cover and cook on a low heat for 20-25 mins. Serve. 

Easy Vegetable and Red Kidney Bean Stew


Easy Vegetable and Red Kidney Bean Stew

No Count


Serves 3

prep and cooking time = 25-30 mins

Points per recipe = 3 full choice

Points per serving = 1 full choice


2 large onions, sliced

2 large red peppers, de-seeded and chopped

3 carrots, scraped and diced

2 leeks, med sliced

2 courgettes, sliced

3 sticks celery, sliced

175g mushrooms, sliced

4 tomatoes, skinned and quartered

425g can kidney beans, drained

1/2 tsp paprika

Salt n pepper

Canned spray oil


1. Spray a large pan with spray oil, heat and add the onions, peppers, carrots, leeks, courgettes and celery.

2. Cook gently for 10 mins, with a lid on the pan, then add the mushrooms, tomatoes, kidney beans, paprika and salt n pepper to taste. Cover the pan and cook for a further 10 mins. Check the seasoning and serve.

Farfalle with Beans and Green Spring Vegetables


Farfalle with Beans and Green Spring Vegetables

No Count


Serves 1


85g/3oz farfalle pasta

57g/2oz mange tout or thin green beans

57g/2oz courgettes, chopped

198g/7oz canned chopped tomatoes

85g/3oz canned flageolet beans, drained

Salt n pepper

1 tbsp chopped mint


1. Bring a pan of salted water to the boil and tip in the pasta. Cook according to the packet instructions until just tender. Drain well.

2. Meanwhile, shred the mange tout or green beans diagonally and steam or boil for 2 mins. Drain and refresh under cold water, then set aside.

3. Heat the courgettes and tomatoes in a sauce pan and cook gently for about 5 mins. Add the canned beans and mange tout or green beans and season to taste.

4. Stir gently and simmer over a very low heat for 2-3 mins, then stir in the drained pasta and serve, Sprinkled with mint.