Sunday 28 June 2020

Tuna and chickpea burgers

Tuna and chickpea burgers


Servings | 2
Full choice 4 pts per serving

1 can chickpeas
1 can of tuna in brine
1 handfull of chopped coriander
1 handfull of chopped spring onion
1 handfull of chopped tomato
1heaped tsp curry powder

1.Blend the tuna and chickpeas till smooth (no whole chickpeas).
2.Mix in the vegetables and seasoning
3.Dust a chopping board with cornflour, make mixture into 4 burgers, and cover in cornflour.
4.Cover the burgers in clingfilm, and chill for at least an hour.
5.Fry the burgers for 8 mins on each side in some 0-point spray

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