Sunday 28 June 2020

Smoked Salmon Pasta

Smoked Salmon Pasta

No Count

Serves 4

Full Choice 6½pts per serving

1 red pepper, deseeded & cut into chunks
1 yellow pepper, deseeded & cut into chunks
2 courgettes, sliced
10 mushrooms, halved
low fat cooking spray
350g pasta shapes
20 mangetout
250g smoked salmon pieces
200g low fat fromage frias
salt & pepper
fresh basil leaves to garnish

Preheat grill to high and line grill pan with foil.

Place peppers, courgettes and mushrooms in the grill pan and spray with low fat spray.  grill 8-10 mins until browned, turning at least once.

Meanwhile cook the pasta in lightly salted, boiling water for 7-8 mins.  Add the mangetout to the pasta and cook until the pasta is cooked to your taste.

Drain pasta & mangetout, then return to the pan on a gentle heat.  Add the salmon pieces and grilled veg.  Stir gently to warm through.

Remove pan from heat and mix in the fromage frias.  Season to taste and serve, immediately, garnished with basil leaves.
Note: Works equally well with halibut

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