Saturday 20 June 2020

Baby Veg Salad in Lemon Marinade

Baby Veg Salad in Lemon Marinade

Serves 4

Full Choice & No Count ½ pt per serving

175g sugar snap peas or mangetout
175g baby sweetcorn
175g baby carrots, halved lengthways
175g young asparagus spears
2 celery hearts, thinly sliced
1 tbsp white wine vinegar
1 tbsp olive oil (2½pts)
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 tbsp chopped fresh dill or parsley
about 12 radishes, trimmed & halved
salt & pepper

Steam the sugar snap peas, or mangetout, baby sweetcorn, carrots, asparagus & celery over boiling water for about 6-8 mins until tender.

Meanwhile mix the vinegar, olive oil, lemon juice and chopped dill or parsley in a large salad bowl.

Tip the steamed veg into the dressing and allow them to cool.  Add the radishes, season to taste & serve.

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