Sunday 28 June 2020

Seafood Cheesecake

Seafood Cheesecake

An adaption of a recipe which was the winner of a WW competition held in 1986. 

Serves 8

Full Choice 3½ pts per serving

No Count 2 pts per serving

4 tbsp polyunsaturated margarine, melted
16 water biscuits, crushed
grated rind of 1 lemon
2 tbsp natural yogurt

200g extra light philadelphia
150ml natural yogurt
2 tbsp tomato puree
2 tbsp lemon juice
1 x 180g can tuna in brine, drained and flaked
200g peeled prawns
4 tsp gelatine
3 fl oz hot water
1 tbsp chopped fresh parsley
1 lemon, sliced

Base:  Mix the crushed biscuits, lemon rind, margarine and yogurt thoroughly.  Press into the base of a loose bottomed 8" cake tin, place in fridge until chilled.

Topping: beat the philadelphia, yogurt, tomato puree and lemon juice together until well mixed.  Stir in the tuna and most of the prawns, reserving 8 for garnish.  Sprinkle the gelatine onto the hot water and stir until dissolved.  Pour into the cheese mixture and stir thoroughly until well combined.  Pour the topping over the basde and smooth the top.  Chill until set.

Garnish with the reserved prawns, parsley and lemon slices.

Note: To make this more no count friendly, it may be worth trying to use krisprolls (approx 8), or ryvitas (approx 6-8) or other cripsbreads for the base.  You could mix these with a mix of the yogurt and extra light philadelphia instead of margarine. 

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